UAM (Universal Access Method) is intended for use in Internet cafes, Hot Spots, and other
sites where the Access Point is used to provide Internet Access.
If enabled, then HTTP (TCP, port 80) connections are checked. (UAM only works on HTTP
connections; all other traffic is ignored.) If the user has not been authenticated, Internet access
is blocked, and the user is re-directed to another web page. Typically, this web page is on your
Web server, and explains how to pay for and obtain Internet access.
To use UAM, you need a Radius Server for Authentication. The "Radius Server Setup" must
be completed before you can use UAM. The required setup depends on whether you are using
“Internal” or “External” authentication.
• Internal authentication uses the web page built into the Wireless Access Point.
• External authentication uses a web page on your Web server. Generally, you should use
External authentication, as this allows you to provide relevant and helpful information to
UAM authentication - Internal
1. Ensure the Wireless Access Point can login to your Radius Server.
• Add a RADIUS client on RADIUS server, using the IP address or name of the
Wireless Access Point, and the same shared key as entered on the Wireless Access
• Ensure the Wireless Access Point has the correct address, port number, and shared
key for login to your Radius Server. These parameters are entered either on the
Security page, or the UAM sub-screen, depending on the security method used.
2. Add users on your RADIUS server as required, and allow access by these users.
3. Client PCs must have the correct Wireless settings in order to associate with the Wireles
Access Point.
4. When an associated client tries to use HTTP (TCP, port 80) connections, they will be re-
directed to a user login page.
5. The client (user) must then enter the user name and password, as defined on the Radius
Server. (You must provide some system to let users know the correct name and password
to use.)
6. If the user name and password is correct, Internet access is allowed.
Otherwise, the user remains on the login page.
• Clients which pass the authentication are listed as “
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx WEB
” in the log table, and station status would show as “Authenticated”
on the station list table.
• If a client fails authentication, “
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx WEB authentication
” shown in the log, and station status is shown as “Authenticating” on the
station list table.
UAM authentication - External
1. Ensure the Wireless Access Point can login to your Radius Server.
• Add a RADIUS client on RADIUS server, using the IP address or name of the
Wireless Access Point, and the same shared key as entered on the Wireless Access
• Ensure the Wireless Access Point has the correct address, port number, and shared
key for login to your Radius Server. These parameters are entered either on the
Security page, or the UAM sub-screen, depending on the security method used.