3-22. Firmware Upgrade
Software upgrade tool is used to help upgrade the software function in order
to fix or improve the function. The switch provides a TFTP client for software
upgrade. This can be done through Ethernet.
Function name:
Firmware Upgrade
Function description:
The switch supports TFTP upgrade tool for upgrading software. If you assure to
upgrade software to a newer version one, you must follow two procedures:
1.) Specifying the IP address where TFTP server locates. In this field, the IP
address of your TFTP server should be filled in.
2.) Specifying what the filename and where the file is. You must specify full path
and filename.
Then, press <Upgrade> button if your download is not successful, the switch
will also be back to “Software Upgrade”, and it will not upgrade the software as well.
When download is completed, the switch starts upgrading software. A reboot
message will be prompted after completing upgrading software. At this time, you
must reboot the switch to have new software worked.
Note: Software upgrade is hazardous if power is off. You must do it carefully.
Parameter description:
TFTP Server: A TFTP server stored the image file you want to upgrade.
Path and Filename: File path and filename stored the image file you want to
Fig. 3-74