Autorun Utility:
Ö Enable AutoRun utility when mobile storage is connected: If you want to run the
autorun utility when you plug the enclosure (MUS-2500 Smart USB Storage) into PC,
enable this item. If not, disable this item to cancel the autorun utility.
Ö Hide to small icon in taskbar when closing window: If you disable this item, the
SmartUSB Utility will end as soon as you close the window. But if you enable this
item, the window will hide a small icon in the taskbar when you close it. This means
that the SmartUSB Utility does not end but it hide’s a small icon in the taskbar. You
can check the taskbar to find it and click the right mouse button, then click Show
Window to display the SmartUSB Utility screen. Or you can click Exit SmartUSB
Utility to exit and end the SmartUSB Utility.
Set a button task for the external button of mobile storage: you can set external button
to perform any job:
External Button Job for backup
- Button Task: Select Do selected Backup Job.
- Job Name: Click Browse button and then select a backup job that is defined in
the backup function.
- Destination: It only displays where to backup for the job.
External Button Job for hub: You can copy the data from pen drive or card reader in
USB Hub of the enclosure to internal hard disk drive.
- Button Task: Select Copy Hub data to SmartUSB.
- Job Name: Select Copy data from Port 1 of HUB, Copy data from Port 2 of HUB
or Copy data from all ports of HUB.
- Destination: It displays where to save for the hub and click the Open button to
browse it.