You can only search for the new Bluetooth headset only in the
When you run the search, it will show you the list of all Bluetooth headsets responding.
After new Bluetooth device is searched, the PIN number is validated to connect the device. For details, refer to
the user manual of the applicable device.
When selecting Cable (DVB cable mode) if Finland, Sweden or “--” country is chosen, you cannot hear stereo
sound through the Bluetooth headset.
*When selecting Cable (DVB cable mode) if Finland, Sweden or “--” country is chosen.
1. A Bluetooth headset is disconnected if there is any.
2. All headset device lists are deleted.
3. Bluetooth mode is turned off.
4. When trying to connect with a stereo-only headset, “Invalid format” will be displayed.
When you select the Bluetooth headset, you can listen to the TV sound in the Bluetooth headset through wireless communica-
You must pair it with any new Bluetooth device before the first use. For details, refer to the user manual of the applicable device.
A maximum of 12 devices can be paired.
When the unit is searching for the Bluetooth headset, other buttons except for the “Stop” (OK button) do not work.
Connecting a new Bluetooth headset
BBlluueettooootthh HHeeaaddsseett
Search the Bluetooth headset.
Select Bluetooth headset PIN number.
Refer to the user manual of the applic-
able device for the PIN number.
Bluetooth headsets are listed in the order most recently used with the headset currently in use listed at the top.
When connecting to the Bluetooth device already registered, you can select and connect directly without any PIN validation.
• After connecting/using the Bluetooth headset, the headset setting will be the
condition automatically
when you turn off the power of the TV and then turn on.
• After connecting the Bluetooth headset, the TV speaker is switched to Mute condition and the sound will only be gen-
erated from the headset.
Connect the Bluetooth headset.