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LGE Internal Use OnlyCopyright © LG Electronics. Inc. All rights reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
3.1. ADC Process
(1) ADC
- Enter Service Mode by pushing "ADJ" key,
- Enter Internal ADC mode by pushing "►" key at "8. ADC
<Caution> Using "P-ONLY" key of the Adjustment remote
control, power on TV.
If there is no Component Input, disappear “ADC Comp” message.
* ADC Calibration Protocol (RS232)
Adjust Sequence
▪ aa 00 00 [Enter Adjust Mode]
▪ xb 00 40 [Component1 Input (480i)]
▪ ad 00 10 [Adjust 480i Comp1]
▪ xb 00 60 [RGB Input (1024*768)]
▪ ad 00 10 [Adjust 1024*768 RGB]
▪ aa 00 90 End Adjust mode
* Required equipment : Adjustment remote control.
3.2. Function Check
3.2.1. Check display and sound
■ Check Input and Signal items. (cf. work instructions)
1. TV
2. AV
3. COMPONENT (480i)
4. RGB (PC : 1024 x 768 @ 60hz)
6. PC Audio In
* Display and Sound check is executed by Remote controller
Caution : Not to push the INSTOP KEY after completion if the
function inspection.
4. Total Assembly line process
4.1. Adjustment Preparation
▪ W/B Equipment condition
ca210 : LED -> CH14, Test signal: Inner pattern(80IRE)
▪ Above 5 minutes H/run in the inner pattern. (“power on” key
of adjust remote control)
▪ If it is executed W/B adjustment in 2~3 minutes H/run, it is
adjusted by Target data
▪ Normal line
▪ Aging chamber
* Connecting picture of the measuring instrument
(On Automatic control)
Inside PATTERN is used when W/B is controlled. Connect to
auto controller or push Adjustment R/C P-ONLY → Enter the
mode of White-Balance, the pattern will come out.
No. Item CMD 1 CMD 2 Data 0
Adjust MODE
‘Mode In’
A A 0 0
When transfer the ‘Mode In’,
Carry the command.
ADC adjust ADC Adjust A D 1 0
Automatically adjustment
(The use of a internal pattern)
Mode Temp Coordinate spec Model
Cool 13,000 k
X=0.269 (± 0.002)
Y=0.273 (± 0.002)
60LN549E-ZAMedium 9,300 k
X=0.285 (± 0.002)
Y=0.293 (± 0.002)
Warm 6,500 k
X=0.313 (± 0.002)
Y=0.329 (± 0.002)
Cool Medium Warm
X y x y x y
271 270 285 293 313 329
1 0-2 281 287 295 310 320 342
2 3-5 280 285 294 308 319 340
3 6-9 278 284 292 307 317 339
4 10-19 276 281 290 304 315 336
5 20-35 275 277 289 300 314 332
6 36-49 274 274 288 297 313 329
7 50-79 273 272 287 295 312 327
8 80-119 272 271 286 294 311 326
9 Over 120 271 270 285 293 310 325
Aging time
Cool Medium Warm
271 270 285 293 313 329
1 0-5 280 285 294 308 319 340
2 6-10 276 280 290 303 315 335
3 11-20 272 275 286 298 311 330
4 21-30 269 272 283 295 308 327
5 31-40 267 268 281 291 306 323
6 41-50 266 265 280 288 305 320
7 51-80 265 263 279 286 304 318
8 81-119 264 261 278 284 303 316
9 Over 120 264 260 278 283 303 315
Full White Pattern
TYPE : CA-210
RS-232C Communication
0. Tool Option1
1. Tool Option2
2. Tool Option3
3. Tool Option4
4. Tool Option5
5. Commercial Tool Option
6. Country Group
7. Area Option
8.ADC Calibration
9. White Balance
10. 10 Point WB
11. Test Pattern
13. Sub B/C
14. Ext. Input Adjust
ADC Calibration
ADC Comp 480i
ADC Comp 1080p
Start Reset