The wine cooler
Wines only develop their full flavor and aroma when
they are at the right temperature for drinking.
In your wine cooler, wines can be brought slowly and
evenly to the ideal drinking temperature.
Red wines and white wines can be stored at the same
time at the optimal drinking temperature in three sepa-
Safety instructions and warnings
• Toavoidriskofpersonalinjuryor
property damage, have two people
unpack and move this appliance into
• Protectthefinishedfloorsurfacebefore
you uncrate the unit.
Avoid placing the appliance in direct sunlight or near
the stove, range top, radiators and similar heat sources.
heat-emitting appliances on top of this unit.
The floor under the appliance should be flat and level.
Keep the appliance out of the weather. The ventilation
grilles should not be obstructed. Always ensure there is
good ventilation all around the appliance.
As soon as you uncrate the unit:
• Examinetheunitandpackagingforshipping
damage. Contact the carrier immediately if you
suspect there is any damage.
• Notethetype(modelnumber),servicenumber,
serial number, date of purchase and where
purchased on the spaces provided in the back of this
Disposal of carton
The packaging is designed to protect the appliance and
individual components during moving and is made of
recyclable materials.
• Corrugatedboard/board
• Moldedpolystyrene(foamed,CFC-freepolystyrene)
• Polythenebagsandsheets
• Polypropylenestraps
Keep packaging materials away from chil-
dren. Polythene sheets and bags can
cause suffocation!
• Pleasetakethepackagingmaterialtoyourlocal
recycling facility.