Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility for Configuration
ACL Tab - IP Based ACL
WebView Switches
Urg. Indicates the packet is urgent.
Ack. Indicates the packet is acknowledged.
Psh. Indicates the packet is pushed.
Rst. Indicates the connection is dropped.
Syn. Indicates request to start a session.
Fin. Indicates request to close a session.
Source Port. Defines the TCP/UDP source port to which the ACE is matched. This field is active only if 800/6-TCP
or 800/17-UDP are selected in the Select from List drop-down menu. The possible field range is 0 - 65535.
Destination Port. Defines the TCP/UDP destination port. This field is active only if 800/6-TCP or 800/17-UDP are
selected in the Select from List drop-down menu. The possible field range is 0 - 65535.
Source IP Address. Matches the source port IP address to which packets are addressed to the ACE.
Wildcard Mask. Defines the source IP address wildcard mask. Wildcard masks specify which bits are used and
which bits are ignored. A wild card mask of indicates that no bit is important. A wildcard of indicates that all the bits are important. For example, if the source IP address and the
wildcard mask is, the first eight bits of the IP address are ignored, while the last eight bits are
Dest. IP Address. Matches the destination port IP address to which packets are addressed to the ACE.
Wildcard Mask. Defines the destination IP address wildcard mask.
Match DSCP. Matches the packet DSCP value to the ACE. Either the DSCP value or the IP Precedence value is
used to match packets to ACLs. The possible field range is 0-63.
Match IP Precedence. Matches the packet IP Precedence value to the ACE. Either the DSCP value or the IP
Precedence value is used to match packets to ACLs. The possible field range is 0-7.
The Add to List button adds the configured IP Based ACLs to the IP Based ACL Table at the bottom of the screen.