Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility for Configuration
ACL Tab - IP Based ACL
WebView Switches
• 30 Sec. Indicates that the GVRP statistics are refreshed every 30 seconds.
• 60 Sec. Indicates that the GVRP statistics are refreshed every 60 seconds.
The GVRP Statistics Table contains the following fields:
Join Empty. Displays the device GVRP Join Empty statistics.
Empty. Displays the device GVRP Empty statistics.
Leave Empty. Displays the device GVRP Leave Empty statistics.
Join In. Displays the device GVRP Join In statistics.
Leave In. Displays the device GVRP Leave in statistics.
Leave All. Displays the device GVRP Leave all statistics.
The GVRP Error Statistics Table contains the following fields:
Invalid Protocol ID. Displays the device GVRP Invalid Protocol ID statistics.
Invalid Attribute Type. Displays the device GVRP Invalid Attribute ID statistics.
Invalid Attribute Value. Displays the device GVRP Invalid Attribute Value statistics.
Invalid Attribute Length. Displays the device GVRP Invalid Attribute Length statistics.
Invalid Events. Displays the device GVRP Invalid Events statistics.
The Clear All Counters button resets all tables.
ACL Tab - IP Based ACL
The IP Based ACL (Access Control List) screen contains information for defining IP Based ACLs.
ACL Name. Displays the user-defined IP based ACLs.
New ACL Name. Define a new user-defined IP based ACL.
Delete ACL. Deletes the selected ACL.