Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide Cisco Confidential--First Draft167
Ext Tab
SPA9x2 Phone Field Reference
SIP Proxy-Require The SIP proxy can support a specific extension or
behavior when it sees this header from the user agent. If
this field is configured and the proxy does not support it,
it responds with the message, unsupported. Enter the
appropriate header in the field provided.
SIP Remote-Party-ID To use the Remote-Party-ID header instead of the From
header, select yes. Otherwise, select no.
Defaults to yes.
Referor Bye Delay Controls when the SPA9x2 sends BYE to terminate stale
call legs upon completion of call transfers. Multiple delay
settings (Referor, Refer Target, Referee, and Refer-To
Target) are configured on this screen. For the Referor Bye
Delay, enter the appropriate period of time in seconds.
Defaults to 4.
Refer-To Target Contact
Referee Bye Delay For the Referee Bye Delay, enter the appropriate period
of time in seconds.
Defaults to 0.