Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide Cisco Confidential--First Draft168
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SPA9x2 Phone Field Reference
SIP Debug Option SIP messages are received at or sent from the proxy
listen port. This feature controls which SIP messages to
log. Choices are as follows:
•none—No logging.
• 1-line—Logs the start-line only for all messages.
• 1-line excl. OPT—Logs the start-line only for all
messages except OPTIONS requests/responses.
• 1-line excl. NTFY—Logs the start-line only for all
messages except NOTIFY requests/responses.
• 1-line excl. REG—Logs the start-line only for all
messages except REGISTER requests/responses.
• 1-line excl. OPT|NTFY|REG—Logs the start-line
only for all messages except OPTIONS, NOTIFY,
• full—Logs all SIP messages in full text.
• full excl. OPT—Logs all SIP messages in full text
except OPTIONS requests/responses.
• full excl. NTFY—Logs all SIP messages in full text
except NOTIFY requests/responses.
• full excl. REG—Logs all SIP messages in full text
except REGISTER requests/responses.
• full excl. OPT|NTFY|REG—Logs all SIP messages in
full text except for OPTIONS, NOTIFY, and
REGISTER requests/responses.
Defaults to none.
Refer Target Bye Delay For the Refer Target Bye Delay, enter the appropriate
period of time in seconds.
Defaults to 0.
Sticky 183 If this feature is enabled, the IP telephony ignores further
180 SIP responses after receiving the first 183 SIP
response for an outbound INVITE. To enable this feature,
select yes. Otherwise, select no.
Defaults to no.