Linksys IP Phone Administrator Guide
Firmware Version 5.1
Chapter 5 Linksys IP Phone Field Reference
Ext Tab
Share Line Appearance
NAT Settings
Network Settings
Note Some of the parameters in this section do not apply to the WIP310 wireless phone. None of the following
parameters apply to the SPA901.
Field Description
Share Ext Indicates whether this extension is to be shared with other stations or private. If the
extension is not shared, then a call appearance assigned to this extension is not shared,
regardless the setting of <Share Call Appearance> for that call appearance. If the
extension is shared, then whether or not a call appearance assigned to this extension is
shared follows the setting of <Share Call Appearance> for that call appearance. The
choices are shared or private.
Defaults to shared.
Shared User ID The user identified assigned to the shared line appearance.
Subscription Expires The subscription time with the SIP proxy (SPA9000).
Defaults to 60 seconds.
Field Description
NAT Mapping Enable To use externally mapped IP addresses and SIP/RTP ports in SIP messages, select yes.
Otherwise, select no.
Defaults to no.
NAT Keep Alive Enable To send the configured NAT keep alive message periodically, select yes. Otherwise, select
Defaults to no.
NAT Keep Alive Msg
(Not applicable to SPA901)
Enter the keep alive message that should be sent periodically to maintain the current NAT
mapping. If the value is $NOTIFY, a NOTIFY message is sent. If the value is $REGISTER, a
REGISTER message without contact is sent.
Defaults to $NOTIFY.
NAT Keep Alive Dest
(Not applicable to SPA901)
Destination that should receive NAT keep alive messages. If the value is $PROXY, the
messages are sent to the current or outbound proxy.
Defaults to $PROXY.