Configuration Using the Console Interface
8-Port 10/100 Ethernet Switch with Webview
Chapter 4
Telnet Configuration
SSH Configuration
On the SSH Configuration screen, you can select SSH
Server Configuration, SSH Server Status, SSH Crypto Key
Generation, and SSH Keys Fingerprints.
SSH Configuation
SSH Server Configuration
On the SSH Server Configuration screen, the SSH Server can
be enabled or disabled by navigating to the SSH Server
option and using the SPACE bar to toggle the option. The
SSH Server Port can be modified by entering in the value.
Select Edit and press the Enter key to make changes.
When your changes are complete, press the Esc key to
return to the Action menu. Select Save and press the
Enter key to save your changes. To exit, select Quit and
press the Enter key.
SSH Server Configuration
SSH Status
The SSH Status screen displays whether the SSH Server is
enabled, the RSA and DSA key status, and any open SSH
Select Refresh to update the screen if necessary. To exit,
select Quit and press the Enter key.
SSH Status
SSH Crypto Key Generation
On the SSH Crypto Key Generation screen, the SSH Public
Key Algorithm can be toggled between RSA and DSA
using the SPACE bar to toggle the option. The SSH Public
Key Length cannot be modified.
Select Edit and press the Enter key to make changes.
When your changes are complete, press the Esc key to
return to the Action menu. Select Save and press the
Enter key to save your changes. To exit, select Quit and
press the Enter key.