8-Port 10/100 Ethernet Switch with Webview
Chapter 3
Print this page at 100% size, cut along the dotted
line and place on the wall to drill precise spacing.
Wall-Mount Placement
When mounting the Switch on the wall, the Switch should
be mounted horizontally. The front panel should face
either up or down. The unit should not be positioned
vertically when mounted. You will need two suitable
screws to mount the Switch. Use the template above to
plan your installation.
Proper Wall-Mount Orientation (Horizontal)
NOTE: Linksys is not responsible for damages
incurred by insecure wall-mounting hardware.
Determine where you want to mount the Switch. 1.
Ensure that the wall you use is smooth, flat, dry and
sturdy and make sure the location is within reach of
the power outlet.
Drill two holes into the wall. Make sure the holes are 2.
3.7 inches (94 mm) apart. You can print the template
from this page.
Insert a screw into each hole, and leave 3 mm (0.12 in) 3.
of its head exposed.
Maneuver the Switch so the wall-mount slots line up 4.
with the two screws.
Place the wall-mount slots over the screws and slide 5.
the Switch down until the screws fit snugly into the
wall-mount slots.
Incorrect Wall-Mount Orientation (Vertical)
Congratulations! The wall-mount installation of the Switch
is complete.