Chapter 5
Advanced Configuration
8-Port 10/100 Ethernet Switch with Webview
network topologies that allow a faster STP convergence
without creating forwarding loops.
Interface Displays the port or LAG on which Rapid STP
is enabled.
Role Indicates the port role assigned by the STP algorithm
in order to provide to STP paths. The possible field values
Root • Provides the lowest cost path to forward packets
to root switch.
Designated • Indicates that the port or LAG via which
the designated switch is attached to the LAN.
Alternate • Provides an alternate path to the root
switch from the root interface.
Backup • Provides a backup path to the designated
port path toward the Spanning Tree leaves. Backup
ports occur only when two ports are connected in a
loop by a point-to-point link. Backup ports also occur
when a LAN has two or more connections connected
to a shared segment.
Disabled • Indicates the port is not participating in the
Spanning Tree.
Mode Indicates the current Spanning Tree mode. The
Spanning Tree mode is selected in the Global STP screen.
The possible field values are:
Classic STP • Indicates that Classic STP is enabled on
the device.
Rapid STP • Indicates that Rapid STP is enabled on the
Multiple STP • Indicates that Multiple STP is enabled
on the device.
Fast Link Indicates if Fast Link is enabled or disabled for
the port or LAG. If Fast Link is enabled for a port, the port
is automatically placed in the forwarding state.
Port State Indicates if RSTP is enabled on the interface.
Point-to-Point Admin Status Indicates if a point-to-point
links are established, or permits the device to establish a
point-to-point link. The possible field values are:
Auto • Point-to-point links are automatically
established by the device.
Enabled • Enables the device to establish a point-to-
point link. To establish communications over a point-
to-point link, the originating PPP first sends Link
Control Protocol (LCP) packets to configure and test
the data link. After a link is established and optional
facilities are negotiated as needed by the LCP, the
originating PPP sends Network Control Protocols (NCP)
packets to select and configure one or more network
layer protocols. When each of the chosen network
layer protocols has been configured, packets from
each network layer protocol can be sent over the link.
The link remains configured for communications until
explicit LCP or NCP packets close the link, or until some
external event occurs. This is the actual switch port link
type. It may differ from the administrative state.
Disabled • Disables point-to-point link.
Point-to-Point Oper Status Indicates the Point-to-Point
operating state.
To run a migration test, press Activate next to the Activate
Protocol Migration Test field. The test sends Link Control
Protocol (LCP) packets to test if a data link is enabled.
Spanning Tree > MSTP Properties
Spanning Tree > MSTP Properties
MSTP provides differing load balancing scenarios. For
example, while port A is blocked in one STP instance, the
same port is placed in the Forwarding State in another STP
instance. The MSTP Properties screen contains information
for defining global MSTP settings, including region names,
MSTP revisions, and maximum hops.
The MSTP Properties screen contains the following fields:
Region Name Provides a user-defined STP region name.
Revision Defines unsigned 16-bit number that identifies
the revision of the current MST configuration. The revision
number is required as part of the MST configuration. The
possible field range 0-65535.
Max Hops Indicates the total number of hops that occur
in a specific region before the BPDU is discarded. Once the
BPDU is discarded, the port information is aged out. The
possible field range is 1-40. The field default is 20 hops.
IST Master Identifies the Spanning Tree Master instance.
The IST Master is the specified instance root.