Chapter 5
Configuring the Switch
24-Port 10/100 + 4-Port Gigabit Switch with WebView and Power over Ethernet
SNMP > Group Membership
SNMP > Group Membership
User Name The name of the user connecting to the
SNMP agent. (Range: 1-32 characters)
Local Click the Local option to use the local SNMP
Remote The Internet address of the remote device where
the user resides. Click the Remote option and select an IP
address from the drop-down list.
Group Name The name of the SNMP group to which the
user is assigned. (Range: 1-32 characters)
Security Model The user security model; SNMP v1, v2c
or v3. (Default: v1)
Security Level The security level used for the user:
There is no authentication or encryption
used in SNMP communications. (This is the default for
SNMP communications use authentication,
but the data is not encrypted (only available for the
SNMPv3 security model).
SNMP communications use both authentication
and encryption (only available for the SNMPv3 security
User Authentication
Authentication Protocol The method used for user
authentication. (Options: MD5, SHA; Default: MD5)
Authentication Password A minimum of eight plain text
characters is required.
Data Privacy
Privacy Protocol The encryption algorithm use for data
privacy; only 56-bit DES is currently available.
Privacy Password A minimum of eight plain text
characters is required.
SNMP > Communities
You may configure up to five community strings authorized
for management access by clients using SNMP v1 and v2c.
All community strings used for IP Trap Managers should
be listed in this table. For security reasons, you should
consider removing the default strings.
SNMP > Communities
Community String A community string that acts like a
password and permits access to the SNMP protocol.
Default strings: “public” (read-only access), “private” (read/
write access)
Range: 1-32 characters, case sensitive
Access Mode Specifies the access rights for the
community string:
Read-Only Authorized management stations are
only able to retrieve MIB objects.
Read/Write Authorized management stations are
able to both retrieve and modify MIB objects.
Enter a name and select the access rights from the Access
Mode drop-down menu. These strings act as passwords,
they are case-sensitive and can be up to 32 characters
long. Strings can be specified for read-only or read/write
access. Once this is entered, click Add.