Slow search forwards and backwards
TToo ppeerrffoorrmm ffoorrwwaarrddss oorr rreevveerrssee ppllaayybbaacckk oonnee ffrraammee aatt aa ttiimmee wwhhiillee aa ddiisscc iiss ppllaayyiinngg::
Press on the front panel or handset.
To slow search forwards, repeatedly press or hold .
To slow search backwards, repeatedly press or hold .
Press to resume playback.
Slow scan forwards and backwards
TToo ppeerrffoorrmm ssllooww ssccaann ffoorrwwaarrddss oorr ssllooww ssccaann rreevveerrssee ppllaayybbaacckk wwhhiillee aa ddiisscc iiss ppllaayyiinngg::
Press on the handset.
To slow scan forwards at 1/2 normal speed, press
Further presses of decrease the speed of forwards playback: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 normal
Press to resume normal playback.
To slow scan backwards at 1/2 normal speed, press .
Further presses of decrease the speed of reverse playback: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 normal speed.
Press to resume normal playback.
Playing Discs
Direct time selection
TToo ddiirreeccttllyy aacccceessss aa ssppeecciiffiicc ppooiinntt oonn aa DDVVDD--VViiddeeoo oorr DDVVDD--AAuuddiioo wwhhiillee aa cchhaapptteerr//ttrraacckk
iiss ppllaayyiinngg::
on the handset. On your display device the digits showing the current
chapter are highlighted.
Enter the desired time using the digit keys. The time must be input as a six-figure
To access the point 1 hour 15 minutes and 32 seconds into playback, press 0, 1, 1, 5, 3, 2.
The entered time is shown on the display device.