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AIS | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch
Your vessel’s MMSI number
You need to have your own MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity)
number entered in the system to be able to receive addressed mes-
sages from AIS and DSC vessels.
It is also important to have the MMSI number entered to avoid see-
ing your own vessel as an AIS target on the chart.
¼ Note: The Vessel message option in the alarm settings must be
toggled on if any MMSI message shall be displayed.
Filtering the targets
All targets are by default shown on the
display if an AIS device is connected to
the HDS system.
You can select to not show any targets,
or to filter the icons based on security
settings, distance and vessel speed.
The vessels extension lines
The length of the extension lines for
your vessel and for other vessels can
be set by the user.
The length of the extension lines is
either set as a fixed distance, or to
indicate the distance the vessel will
move in the selected time period.
For own vessel heading informa-
tion is read from active heading sensor, and COG information is as
received from the active GPS.
For other vessels COG data is included in the message received from
the AIS system.
Dening dangerous vessels
You can define an invisible guard zone around your vessel. When
a target comes within this distance from your vessel, the symbol
will change to the “dangerous” target symbol and an alarm will be