included more tips and tricks so you can take advantage of all the
power and performance MapCreate offers.
You can see an example of the Help file's Command Reference format in
Appendix 1 at the back of this manual, on page 69. Appendix 1 contains
the entry on the Help Command, which explains how to use Help.
In addition to the Command Reference, the Help file includes material
from this manual's User's Guide segment. Just press the F1 key to
launch Help. You can find facts fast by electronically searching the
Help File for the word or phrase you want.
In our printed manual, we've included other general supplemental ma-
terial as appendices in the back of the book. Check out the Table of
Contents to see the topics contained in each appendix.
After you have the software and card reader installed, browse through
the tutorials in Sec. 3 to get you going. Later, when you want to try
something new or you have a question about a particular function, skim
through the manual's table of contents or search the Help file's Command
Reference to read what you need.
If you're an experienced computer user, you can probably install Map-
Create and the card reader without the manual. But, if you need a little
coaching, jump ahead to Sec. 2 and we'll walk you through the install
step by step. (If that's not easy enough, just grab the nearest teenager
and ask him or her to install it for you!)
If you've skipped ahead and already have MapCreate installed, check
out the Quick Start Reference below. If you're the type of person who
wants more background information before you start, turn to How Map
Create Works on page 6, or begin learning about the MapCreate screen
components at the start of Sec. 3.
Quick Start Reference
This 13-step summary will get you started with a simple map. It as-
sumes you have already made a full, default installation of the program,
and one of the CDs is in your CD-ROM drive. (Complete installation in-
structions begin in Sec. 2.) For more detailed explanations, read through
the lessons in Sec. 3. Before you start, make sure your LEI MMC card
reader is installed and working, and you know the reader's drive letter.
Many toolbar buttons are labeled, and an informative tool tip box pops up
when you point to a button.
How to make and save a rectangle map
1. Start MapCreate by clicking the Windows
START button and choosing
your version of
MAPCREATE from the menu.
2. Maneuver the Master Map so you can see the area you want to in-