Range Rings
Allows you to quickly estimate the distance
from your vessel to a another radar target.
To turn on/off Range Rings, highlight Range
Rings on the Radar Settings menu and press
Range Markers
Located below each Range Ring, Range
Markers display the distance from your position
to each range ring.
To turn on/off Range Markers, select Range
Markers from the Radar Settings menu and
press ENTER.
A Compass overlay can be displayed on the background of the radar page. To turn
on/off the Compass overlay, select Compass and press ENTER.
Bearings allows you to choose if you want the direction you are headed to show
as True Magnetic (TM) or Relative (R). T/M or True/Magnetic will show your
direction based on magnetic north. R or Relative will show your direction based on
your relative heading.
Range rings
Range markers
Compass Overlay turned off Compass Overlay turned on