There is no exit key in the LST 3800. The menus "time out" instead. That
means they automatically close after a preset amount of time. When you
install the gauge, the default timeout duration is 5 seconds. You can
modify the
TIMEOUT setting by pressing MENU and using the up and down
keys to scroll through the main menu. When
TIMEOUT appears in the cen-
ter square — like the illustration below — press
MENU. That will open
the Timeout Menu, which has four settings:
3, 5, 7 and 10 seconds. Use
UP and DOWN keys to choose a setting, then press MENU.
Timeout in the center square on the main menu (left) will take
you to the Timeout menu. All items on the main menu will
function in the same way. The Timeout menu (right).
When you first start using the gauge it will display the Depth page by
default. There are two other pages: the Temperature page and the Dual
Display page. You can cycle through the pages manually or have them
displayed at various intervals with the
AUTOSCROLL menu, discussed on
page 7.
To cycle through the pages manually, press the up and down keys.
Temperature Page.
To modify what pages will be displayed, press MENU and use the UP and
DOWN keys to scroll through the menu options until PAGES appears in the
center square. Press
MENU and use the UP and DOWN keys to move
through the three page options. Press
MENU to check or uncheck the box
next to the page category you want to display. After making your selec-
tion, the menu will time out, taking you back to the main screen.