To adjust the sensitivity, press the SENS key. A menu appears on the
right side of the screen as shown on the previous page. Press the right
arrow key to increase it, the left arrow key to decrease it. When you have
it changed to the desired level, press the CLR key to erase the menu or
wait a few seconds for it to automatically clear.
When the X-70A 3D is in the 3D mode, the Fish ID feature is always on
(unless you turn it off). FishTrack (the depth numbers above the fish sym-
bols) shows you the depth of the fish symbol and can be turned off, if
desired. See the FishTrack section in this manual for more information.
The range is set by the unit as long as it’s in the auto mode. However, you
can adjust the range slightly when automatic is on. The unit won’t let you
move the bottom off the screen, and it will correct the range once the
bottom begins to go off the screen. When the unit is in the manual mode,
you can set the range to any that’s available.
To change the range on the X-
70A 3D, first press the RANGE
key. A screen similar to the one
at right appears. Simply press
the down arrow key to in-
crease the range or the up ar-
row key to decrease it. When
the desired range is chosen,
wait a few seconds and the
menu will automatically disap-
pear from the screen or press
the CLR key to erase it.
The X-70A 3D uses the following ranges: 0 - 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100,
150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700, and 900 feet.
The zoom feature enlarges all echoes on the screen, making them easier
to see. This feature works in automatic or the manual mode. (Note: If the
unit is in the 3D automatic mode and the zoom feature is turned on, the
unit will not change the range to a shallower setting. If the bottom signal
goes shallower than the zoom range, the X-70A 3D will simply show a flat
bottom signal at the shallowest range shown on the display. For example,
if you have a zoom range from 45 to 60 feet, and the bottom rises to 30