
Call Scenarios and Applications
Issue 7 March 1998
Call Sequence 2 shows an incoming ISDN PRI call to ECS A, delivered to VDN1.
VDN1 contains a collect digits vector step followed by an adjunct routing vector
step. The host routes the call, including UUI information, to VDN2 that tries to
interflow the call to ECS B. ECS B does not accept the call and the call connects
to Agent A in ECS A.
Call Sequence 2:
Host A Host B Comment
Call Offered
(called=VDN1, domain=VDN1)
Route Request
(called=VDN0, collected=001)
Route Select
(called=VDN2, UUI=info2)
Route End
Queued Event
(called=VDN2, domain=ACD SplitA)
Call Offered
(domain=VDN3, UUI=info2,
Connected Event
Call Ended Event
Call Ended Event
Incoming call to ECS A
Call Prompting Collects Digits
Drop Event
Alert Event
(called=VDN1, connected=agentA,
domain=ACD splitA,
Drop Event
LAI info)
Call intraflows from ECS A to B
(VDN3 is the LAI VDN)
ECS B denies call
Call delivered to agent
Agent drops