Movie ratings lock
Please enter your PIN
Lock after
Channel lock
TV ratings lock
Movie ratings lock
Prefered channels
Region ratings lock
Clear region ratings
Prefered channels
Channel 1
Lock after
Channel lock
TV ratings lock
Movie ratings lock
Prefered channels
Channel 2
Region ratings lock
Clear region ratings
This function allows you to control access to individual movies based on
their MPAA ratings (Motion Picture Association of America).
Select Movie ratings lock with the cursor down. A list appears, showing
all valid MPAA content ratings.
Press the cursor right to enter the list. You are asked to enter your
code. (See Set/Change PIN, p. 17.) If the code is correct, the Movie
ratings lock menu reappears.
Select a movie rating with the cursor up/down.
Press OK to activate/de-activate the selected rating.
Preferred channels
A channel, when installed, is marked as preferred by default and
added to the channel list. This feature provides the ability to
remove a channel number from the channel list.
Select Preferred channels with the cursor down key.
Press the cursor right key to enter a list with all stored
channel numbers.
Select the channel you want to remove with the cursor down key.
Press OK.
Repeat to remove other channels.
Movie Ratings Lock
Each rating item has a box-graphic in front of it to indicate
whether or not programs carrying that rating are currently locked:
: movies with this rating are locked;
: movies with this rating are unlocked.
When All has been selected, all items on the movie ratings list become
selected. (All movies are locked.) If, while All is selected, any other item is
unselected, then All is automatically unselected.
When NR has been selected, no other item is selected.
When any other item has been selected, all ratings below are selected as
well, thus all movies with those ratings will be locked.
Movie ratings lock
Please enter your PIN
Lock after
Channel lock
TV ratings lock
Movie ratings lock
Prefered channels
Region ratings lock
Clear region ratings
Prefered channels
Channel 1
Lock after
Channel lock
TV ratings lock
Movie ratings lock
Prefered channels
Channel 2
Region ratings lock
Clear region ratings
NR not rated
G movies with a mild content, suitable for all ages
PG movies for which parental guidance is recommended. They
may contain a few racy or violent scenes or maybe some bad
PG-13R movies for which parental guidance may be recommended if
under age 13
R restricted. The movies usually contain offensive sex or bad
language and may be unsuitable for children under the age of
17. Parental guidance or permission needed.
NC-17 even with parental permission, forbidden under age 17.
More offensive sex, violence or bad language.
movies which generally focus on sex, violence and/or bad
language. Also known as pornography.