the carburetor
NOTE: The grinding parts are equipped with an electronic
ignition to limit the speed. The carburetor also has a xed
jet which cannot be adjusted.
At the factory the idling speed has been set to approx.
2,500 rpm, but the running-in process of a new engine may
require slight readjustment of the idling speed.
For correct adjustment of the idling speed the following
steps must be carried out:
Start the engine and run it until it is warm (about 3 - 5 minutes).
Adjust the carburetor with the screwdriver (1, Order No. 944
340 001) included with the Power Cut. It has a lug that helps
with adjustment.
Readjust the idling speed.
If the cut-off disc is still turning when the engine is running,
unscrew the adjusting screw of the throttle valve (2) until the
cut-off disc is no longer turning. When the engine is left running
at idling speed, loosen the screw a little.
Switch off the engine.