
From leftto right:
1987X Head
1960AX Cab
1960BX Cab
2245(JTM45) Head
1960TV Cab
1960AX Cab
1960BX Cab
MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue 15
Vintage Re-Issue Amplifiers
1959SLP Head
1987X Head
2245(JTM45) Head
14 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
The Vintage Series comprises the 100 Watt 1959SLP
head, 50 Watt 1987X head, the 30 Watt JTM45 head,
30 Watt 1962 ‘Bluesbreaker’ combo, the 100 Watt
JCM800 2203 head and the JCM900 4100 head.
All are faithful reproductions of the classic originals,
which helped shape the sound of the modern electric
guitar as we know it. The common characteristic of all
these amps is their simplicity of operation and superb
natural valve tone.
Due to high demand from users we have taken this
opportunity to add a sonically transparent Effects Loop to
the 1959SLP, 1987X and JCM800 2203 models. The
Loop has been designed to not colour the guitar sound in
any way, and a (true) Bypass switch gives you the option
of completely removing this circuitry if desired. The only
exception is the JCM900 4100 where the Series Effects
Loop has always been a pivotal part of this versatile
amp’s design. A loop Level switch on all these models
ensures compatibility with both rack processors and
stomp boxes.
1959SLP Head
THIS IS IT!The amp that defines classic rock – the Marshall100 Watt
Super Lead Plexiglas head of the late ’60s, re-issued in all its glory. To
ensure tonal authenticity we searched for an amp from this period that
epitomised this model. We gave this amp to our guitar playing R&D
experts and they developed areplica that was soexact wecouldn’t tell
them apart. Aspreviously mentioned, the only modern concession made
was to add a tonally transparent Series Effects Loop with atruebypass
switching option for the purist.
Though the 50 Watt 1987Xshares the same front and rear panel features
as its bigbrother, the 1959SLP, it does have its own distinct personality.
Sweet, warm, singing sounds are the trademark ofthisgreat tone
machine.As is the case with the 1959SLP, the 1987X has fittings and
hardware as true to the originals as possible,to ensure an authentic
Marshall‘vintage’look, plus the addition ofa SeriesEffects Loop with
Bypass and Levelswitches.
(JTM45) Head
When Jim Marshall started manufacturingampsbackin 1962,the first
one out of the workshop was the JTM45. This amp instantlybecame a hit
and launcheda whole new generation ofamazing guitar players.Since
then, connoisseurs of tone have searched high andlow for original
examples of thisbeautifulamp.Now the searchis over;the re-issued
JTM45 is full of glassy clean tone and fluid warm sustain.
By including GZ34 valve rectification, as found in the original, we have
ensured afaithful recreationof the JTM45’s signaturesound. The GZ34
rectifier valve interacts with the rest of the valves causing subtle
harmonics to shift and smoulder beneath every note you play.
FEATURES 1959SLP 1987X 2245
Head ✓✓✓
Combo No No No
Output(RMS) 100Watt 50Watt 30Watt
3BandEQ ✓✓✓
Tremolo No No No
Pre-AmpValves 3xECC83 3xECC83 3xECC83
PowerAmpValves 4xEL34 2xEL34 2x5881
GZ34ValveRectifier No No
SeriesFXLoop ✓✓No
Footswitch(supplied) No No No
Dimensions(mm) 750x310x215 665x265x205 665x265x205
Weight(kg) 20.5 15.3 14.6
Yngwie Malmsteen
Simon Neil