
26 XR20 User Menu
System Monitor Event Displays
This displays any loss of the system's AC power or battery.
16-Character Display Description
POWER TBL 1017 An AC failure occurred on the system.
Press the right Select key for the time.
32-Character Display Description
TBL 1: 05A 10 / 17 An AC failure occurred at 1:05 AM.
System Monitor Event Types - There are 2 event types:
TBL - Trouble RST - Restore
System Monitor Event Names - There are 2 system monitors:
Service Request?
User Code Level: Master only
Function: Allows you to send a Request for Service message to the
central station when there is a problem on your system.
After the Display Events function in the keypad User Menu, you will
see the SERVICE REQUEST? display if it has been programmed for
your user code. If this feature has been programmed, and you would
like to send a Request for Service report to the central station, press
any top row Select key while SERVICE REQUEST? is displayed. After
the Request for Service report is sent, the keypad displays REQUEST
MADE for four seconds.
If there is a problem with the telephone line connected to the
system, you must contact our service department directly for
Note: This feature is not displayed if it has not been enabled on your