
-- 3 --
Approved protective goggles
or visor, earprotection, and
face maskindusty environments
mustbe worn.
The bloweroperatormustmake sure
that nobystandersoranimals come
nearer than15 metres.
Whenever several operatorsare
working inthe sameworkarea, they
should maintaina safe distanceof at
least15 metersfromone another.
WARNING: Themuffler isvery
hot during andafter use.Do not
touchthe muffler,muffler guard,or
surrounding surfaces, orallow
combustible material suchas dry
grassor fuel to doso.
Always wearapproved,
protective gloves.
Instructionsonhow toopen
vacuuminlet cover.Gentlytilt
the handle ofthe screwdriver
toward the front of the unitto
release the latch while pulling
up onthe vacuum inlet cover
with your other hand.
WARNING: Thisblower
can bedangerous!Careless
or improperuse can
causeseriousoreven fatal
Read andunderstand the
instructionmanual before
usingthe blower.
WARNING: Besurethe
bottom coverissecured or
the vacuumtube isproperly
installed. Avoid theimpeller
blade withyourhand orany
foreign object.
Sound power
Use unleaded orquality
leaded petrol andtwo
stroke oil.
WARNING: The blowermay throw
ricochetandhitthe operator. This
Sound pressurelevel
at 7,5 metres
When using the vacuum attachment, the
unit is designed to pick up dry material
such as leaves, grass, small twigs,and
bits of paper. Do not vacuum stones,
gravel, metal, broken glass, etc.,to
avoid severedamage to the impeller.
WARNING: Failure to follow all
Safety Rules and Precautions can result in
serious injury.
S Read your instruction manual carefully until
you completely understand and can follow all
warnings and safety rules before operating
the unit.
D Restrictunit tousers who understandand will
follow all warnings and safety rules in this
WARNING: Inspect area before start-
ing unit. Remove all debris and hard objects
such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that can rico-
chet, be thrown, or otherwise cause injury or
damage during operation.
WARNING: While vacuuming or
blowing debris, hold the unit with the muffler
side facing away fromyourbody andclothes.
Use your unit as a blower for:
D Sweeping debris or grass clippings from
driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc.
D Blowing grass clippings, straw, or leaves into
piles, around joints, or between bricks.
Use your unit as a vacuum for:
D Pickingupdrymaterialsuchasleaves,grass,
small twigs, and bits of paper.
D For best results during vacuum use, operate
your unit at high speed.
D Move slowly back and forth over thematerial
as you vacuum. Avoid forcing the unit into a
pile of debris as this can clog the unit.
D Keep the vacuum tube about an inch above
the ground for best results.