All Remote Sensor Signals Search Activation
The main unit can be manually activated to search for the signals from all remote sensors.
Press and hold DOWN button to enable the search.
The main unit records the total amount of the rainfall for the last hour, 24 hours, past day, past week and the past month. The
rainfall can be displayed in mm or inches.
There is a daily rainfall alert that can be programmed in the unit if the daily rainfall exceeds a pre-programmed limit.
Accessing Rain Mode
From the main unit: Press UP? or DOWN ? until the RAIN icon on the display starts flashing.
Viewing Rain Statistics
In the Rain Mode, press either SET or MEMORY button to recall a rain statistics for the past hour, past 24 hours, yesterday,
past week or past month.
Tip: For the rain rate estimate the Last Hour rainfall value is understood as “inch/hr” or “mm/hr”.
Resetting the Rainfall Statistics Memory
In the Rain Mode, press and hold MEMORY to reset all rainfall statistics.
Setting Units for the Rain Display in inches or mm
In the Rain Mode, press and hold SET button to toggle rainfall data units between mm and inches.
Enabling or Disabling the Daily Rainfall Alert
• In the Rain Mode press the ALARM/CHART to display either the current rainfall statistics or the daily rainfall alert with
“ALARM HI” displayed.
• If the alert is disabled, the “OFF” will be displayed; otherwise the rainfall alert value will be shown.
• When the rainfall alert is displayed, press the UP ? or DOWN to enable or disable it.
Setting up the Daily Rainfall Alert
• In the Rain Mode, press ALARM/CHART to display the rainfall alert.
• Press and hold ALARM/CHART until the rainfall alert “ALARM HI” will flash.
• Set the desired value for the Rainfall Alert by using the UP ? or DOWN?? . Press and hold either button for fast digits advance.
• Press ALARM/CHART to confirm selection and the unit will return to the rainfall alert display.
Disabling the Daily Rainfall Alert
In the Daily Rainfall Alert Mode press the ALARM/CHART to disable the alert.
The wind direction is shown by an animated compass display. Its angle can be displayed as compass points (i.e. NW) or in
bearings starting from north (i.e. 22.5º).
The upper left section of the wind mode can be programmed to display either a temperature at the place of anemometer or the
temperature adjusted to the wind chill factor.
The lower left section of the wind mode indicates the average wind speed for the past 10 minutes, as well as gust, wind speed
alert and gust alert information. It can also show records of the maximum wind speed and wind gust collected during the day.
The wind speed and gust alert functions can be programmed to alert you if the wind speed or gust exceeds a pre-configured limit.
The wind speed can be displayed in km/h, mph, m/s or knots.
Note: The wind speed alert has a 5 mph deviation and the wind gust speed alert has a 7 mph deviation. It is set to prevent the
alerts from sounding all the time due to small fluctuations close to the alert value. This means that after the wind speed reaches
the alert value, it will have to fall below the alert value plus deviation to activate the alert.
Accessing Wind Mode
From the main unit: Press UP ? or DOWN ? until the WIND icon on the display starts flashing.
Configuring Wind Display
In the Wind Mode press the SET button to recall either a wind chill temperature with wind direction in bearings, a wind chill
temperature with a wind direction in compass points, a temperature at anemometer and wind direction in compass points or a
temperature at anemometer and wind direction in bearings.
Setting Units for the Wind Speed in km/h, mph, m/s or knots
In the Wind Mode, press and hold SET to set the wind speed units in km/h, mph, m/s or knots.
Viewing Wind Statistics
In the Wind Mode, press the MEMORY button to recall a current wind speed, a daily maximum wind speed with
“DAILY MAX” displayed, a gust speed with a “GUST” displayed and a daily maximum gust speed with a
“GUST DAILY MAX” displayed.
Resetting the Wind Statistics Memory
In the Wind Mode, press and hold MEMORY to reset all wind statistics.