1 Specifications
2 Taking a Single-Phase Machine Into Operation
2.1 Taking a Combination 1-Ph/2-Ph Machine into Operation
3 General Information for Welding Transformer/Rectifier Operators
3.1 Overview of Stick Electrodes and their correct Use
3.1.1 Care of Stick Electrodes
3.1.2 Function of the Stick Electrode Coating
3.1.3 Classification of Stick Electrodes according to DIN 1913
3.1.4 Selecting Suitable Electrodes for a Welding Task
3.1.5 Arc Starting and Arc Burning
3.1.6 Welding Positions According to DIN 1921
4 Welding Hints
4.1 Weld Types
4.2 Weld Flaws and possible Causes - Shown on Fillet Welds
5 Accessories and Accessory Maintenance
6 Wiring Diagrams
User Responsibility
You have bought a high-quality electric arc welding machine, designed and built by specialists with many years of
experience. A machine built to last, giving a long service life.
All models have the correct size power supply cable fitted, the transformer‘s core is made from top-quality insulated
sheet steel, to keep eddy currents and cyclic magnetization losses to an absolute minimum.
Please read the instructions given in the manual in order to fully utilize the potential of your machine.
Know and adhere to all local safety codes and regulations governing the operation of electric arc welding machines.
The operation of the welding divice in the data processing system environment is not allowed!
This product shall only be used as specified. Any other use requires the written consent of Elektra Beckum AG,
P.O.Box 1352, D-49703 Meppen, Germany
Please contact your dealer for any warranty claims.
Warranty work will essentially be carried out by service centres authorised by us. Repairs beyond the warranty
period may be carried out only by our authorised service centres.
Please preserve all repair invoices! We reserve the right to make technical changes!
We recommend attending a welding course at a recognised technical institute.
2 Taking a Single-Phase Machine into Operation
This machine is to be connected to the power mains via a Earth Fault Circuit Interrupter of 30 mA capacity. Worn
or damaged power cables should be replaced immediately by a qualified electrician.
Do not operate this machine with a damaged power cable, danger of personal injury by electric shock.
Children are not permitted to operate this machine.
Connect to an earthed single-phase 230/240 V outlet, protected by a 16 A time-lag fuse. Operating other electric
machines or appliances on the same circuit while welding is only possible to a very limited extent and not
Earth and welding cable are firmly attached to the machine.
Polarity does not matter with AC welding current.
1 Specifications
Model SB 160 C SB 200 CT SB 200 CT
Main voltage 230/400 V 240 V 230/400 V
Mains frequency 50/60 Hz 50 Hz 50/60 Hz
Welding steps stepless stepless stepless
Stepless at 230 V 32 - 38 V 47 - 55 V 31 - 39 V
Stepless at 400 V 38 - 46 V 41 - 50 V
Max. OCV at 230 V 16 A time-lag 32 A time-lag 16 A time-lag
Max. OCV at 400 V 16 A time-lag 20 A time-lag
Insulation class H H H
Protection class IP 21 IP 21 IP 21
Setting range, stepless 230 V 30 - 110 A 70 - 180 A 20 - 110 A
Setting range, stepless 400 V 65 - 155 A 60 - 180 A
Cooling self fan fan
Weldable electrodes at 230 V Ø 1.6 - 2.5 mm Ø 2,0 - 4,0 mm Ø 1.6 - 2.5 mm
Weldable electrodes at 400 V Ø 2.0 - 3.25 mm Ø 2.0 - 4.0 mm