Configuration of the Scanner to the Host System
The scanner is shipped from the factory programmed to a set of default
conditions. These default conditions are in the Default Settings section of this
guide pages 36-41 and in the ScanSelectâ„¢ Scanner Programming Guide. The
default settings in the ScanSelect guide have an asterisk that appears before
the brief definition next to the bar code.
For the scanner to properly communicate with the host system, it needs to be
programmed to meet the specific scanning needs. Since each host system is
unique, configure the scanner to match the host system requirements.
Configure the scanner by entering program mode and scanning the appropriate
bar codes that appear in the ScanSelect Scanner Programming Guide. (When
using ScanSetâ„¢, refer to the ScanSet documentation for information on how
to configure the scanner.)
1. Connect the scanner to the host system (Refer to the Scanner
Connections to the Host section in this guide).
2. Enter program mode by scanning the ENTER/EXIT program mode bar
code as the first bar code after a power up cycle. (The unit will beep
three times)
3. Scan the appropriate bar code(s) that appear in the ScanSelect Scanner
Programming Guide. (Reveal only one bar code to the scanner each
time. With your hand, cover the bar code that is not to be scanned.)
4. Exit program mode by scanning the ENTER/EXIT program mode bar
code again. (The new options will be saved and the scanner is ready for
normal operation.)
Note: Non-RS-232 interfaces chosen in Section B of the ScanSelect
Programming Guide do not match the default settings loaded when
the same interface is selected with ScanSet.