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When FocusBT is Used with an MS9535 Cradle
FocusBT can be configured to communicate with an MS9535 cradle but it will
require the FocusBT to be configured to use a special communication protocol
used by the MS9535 cradle. Scan the Enable MS9535 Cradle Protocol bar
code below to enable the special communication protocol.
The FocusBT cannot be configured or flash-upgraded via an
MS9535 cradle. Communication settings of the cradle cannot be
changed by scanning configuration bar codes with the FocusBT.
Support for the MS9535 cradle is limited to bar code
Do not forget to disable the MS9535 cradle protocol when the
cradle is no longer in use.
Enable MS9535 cradle protocol* *Disable MS9535 cradle protocol
The operation range of the communication via Bluetooth technology is at least
10 meters between the scanner and host system. When FocusBT is out of
operation range for Bluetooth technology, the communication link will break and
the blue LED will start to flash on the scanner.
FocusBT can be configured to store scanned bar codes into the non-volatile
memory when the connection for Bluetooth technology is inactive. The scanner
will transmit the bar codes and erase them from memory once the connection for
Bluetooth technology is re-established. The size of the non-volatile memory is
32768 bytes.
Scan the following bar codes to enable or disable Range Gate Mode.
Enable Range Gate *Disable Range Gate