atmospheres (std. -
760mm of mercury
at 32°F/0°C) ......................14.696 ..... lbs./sq. inch
atmospheres ........................ 76.0 ....... cm of mercury
atmospheres ....................... 29.92 ...... in. of mercury
atmospheres ....................... 33.90 ...... ft. of water
atmospheres ......................1.0333 ..... kg/sq. cm
atmospheres ....................... 14.70 ...... lbs./sq. inch
atmospheres ....................... 1.058 ...... tons/sq. ft.
BTU (British .......................0.2520 ..... kilogram-calories
Thermal Units)
BTU .................................... 777.5 ...... ft.-lbs.
BTU ................................. 0.000393 ... horsepower-hrs.
BTU .................................... 0.293 ...... Watt-hrs.
BTU/min ............................. 12.96 ......ft.-lbs.-sec.
BTU/min ...........................0.02356 ....horsepower
BTU/min ...........................0.01757 ....kilowatts
BTU/min ............................. 17.57 ......Watts
calories ........................... 0.003968 ... BTU
centimeters........................ 0.3937 ..... inches
centimeters....................... 0.03280 ....feet
centimeters.......................... 0.01 ....... meters
centimeters ........................... 10 ......... millimeters
cm of mercury ...................0.01316 ....atmospheres
cm of mercury.................... 0.4461 ..... ft. of water
cm of mercury..................... 136.0 ...... kg/sq. meter
cm of mercury..................... 27.85 ...... lbs./sq. ft.
cm of mercury.................... 0.1934 ..... lbs./sq. in. (psi)
cubic feet ....................... 2.832x10
... cubic cm
cubic feet ........................... 1728 ....... cubic inches
cubic feet .........................0.02832 ....cubic meters
cubic feet .........................0.03704 ....cubic yards
cubic feet .........................7.48052 ....gallons (U.S.)
cubic ft./min. ....................... 472 ........ cubic cm/sec.
cubic ft./min. .....................0.1247 ..... gallons/sec.
cubic ft./water .................... 62.4. ....... lb. @ 60°F/16°C
feet ..................................... 30.48 ...... centimeters
feet ....................................... 12 ......... inches
feet .................................... 0.3048 ..... meters
feet ....................................... 1/3 ........ yards
feet of water...................... 0.02950 ....atmospheres
feet of water ....................... 0.8826 ..... in. of mercury
feet of water...................... 0.03048 ....kg/sq. cm
feet of water ........................ 62.43 ...... lbs./sq. ft.
feet of water ....................... 0.4335 ..... lbs./sq. in. (psi)
General conversion factors
feet/min ............................. 0.5080 ..... cm/sec.
feet/min ............................ 0.01667 .... ft./sec.
feet/min ............................ 0.01829 .... km/hr.
feet/min ............................. 0.3048 ..... meters/min.
feet/min ............................ 0.01136..... miles/hr. (mph)
foot-pounds...................... 0.001286 ... BTU
gallons (imp.) ..................... 1.201 ...... gallons (U.S.)
gallons (U.S.) ..................... 0.833 ...... gallons (imp.)
gallons (U.S.) ..................... 3785 ....... cubic cm
gallons (U.S.) .................... 0.1337 ..... cubic feet
gallons (U.S.) ...................... 231 ........ cubic inches
gallons (U.S.) ...................... 128 ........ fluid ounces
gallons (U.S.) ..................... 3.785 ...... liters
gallons (U.S.) water .............8.35 ....... lbs. H
horsepower......................... 42.44 ...... BTU/min.
horsepower........................ 33,000 ..... foot-lbs./min.
horsepower.......................... 550 ........ foot-lbs./sec.
horsepower........................ 0.7457 ..... kilowatts
horsepower......................... 745.7 ...... Watts
horsepower (boiler) ............ 33,479 ..... BTU/hr.
horsepower (boiler) ............. 9.803 ...... kilowatts
horsepower-hours. .............. 2547 ....... BTU
horsepower-hours .............. 0.7457 ..... kilowatt-hours
inches ................................. 2.54 ....... centimeters
inches ................................. 25.4 ....... millimeters
inches ...............................0.0254 ..... meters
inches ...............................0.0833 ..... feet
inches of mercury............. 0.03342 .... atmospheres
inches of mercury............... 1.133 ...... feet of water
inches of mercury............... 13.57 ...... inches of water
inches of mercury............... 70.73 ...... lbs./sq. ft.
inches of mercury.............. 0.4912 ..... lbs./sq. in. (psi)
inches of water ............... 0.002458 ... atmospheres
inches of water ................ 0.07355 .... in. of mercury
inches of water ................. 0.5781 ..... oz./sq. inch
inches of water .................. 5.202 ...... lbs./sq. ft.
inches of water ................ 0.03613 .... lbs./sq. in. (psi)
kilowatts ............................56.92 ...... BTU/min.
kilowatts ............................1.341 ...... horsepower
kilowatts ............................ 1000 ....... Watts
kilowatt-hours .................... 3415 ....... BTU
liters ..................................0.2642 ..... gallons
liters ................................... 2.113 .......pints (liquid)
liters ................................... 1.057 ......quarts (liquid)
meters ................................. 100 ........ centimeters
meters ................................ 1000 ....... millimeters
meters ................................ 3.281 ......feet
meters ................................ 39.37 ......inches
meters ................................ 1.094 ......yards
ounces (fluid ....................... 1.805 ...... cubic inches
ounces (fluid ..................... 0.02957 .... liters
ounces/sq. in. ...................0.0625 ..... lbs./sq. in. (psi)
ounces/sq. in. .....................1.73 .......inches of water
pints ..................................0.4732 ..... liter
pounds ................................. 16 .........ounces
pounds of water................ 0.01602 .... cubic ft.
pounds of water.................. 27.68 ...... cubic in.
pounds of water................. 0.1198 ..... gallons
pounds/sq. ft. ................... 0.01602 .... feet of water
pounds/sq. ft. .................. 0.006945 ... lbs./sq. in. (psi)
pounds/sq. in. ..................0.06804 .... atmospheres
pounds/sq. in. .................... 2.307 ......feet of water
pounds/sq. in. .................... 2.036 ......in. of mercury
pounds/sq. in. .................... 27.68 ......inches of water
temp. (°C)+273 ...................... 1 .......... absolute temp (°K)
temp. (°C.)+17.78 ................. 1.8 ........ temperature (°F)
temp. (°F)+460 ...................... 1.......... absolute temp.
temp. (°F.)-32 ....................... 5/9 ........ temperature (°C)
therm ................................ 100,000 .... BTU
ton, refrigeration................. 12,000 ..... BTU/hr.
tons (long) .......................... 2240 ....... pounds
tons (short).......................... 2000 ....... pounds
watts ..................................3.415 ...... BTU
watts ................................0.05692 ....BTU/min.
watts ..................................44.26 ...... foot-pounds/min.
watts .................................0.7376 ..... foot-pounds/sec.
watts ............................... 0.001341 ... horsepower
watts ..................................0.001 ...... kilowatts
watt-hours .......................... 3.415 ......BTU/hr.
watt-hours .......................... 2655 ....... foot-pounds
watt-hours ....................... 0.001341 ... horsepower hrs.
watt-hours .......................... 0.001 ......kilowatt-hours
0.10 0.007 0.20 0.0036 0.0577
0.20 0.015 0.50 0.0072 0.115
0.30 0.022 0.75 0.0108 0.173
0.40 0.029 0.98 0.0145 0.231
0.50 0.037 1.25 0.0181 0.289
0.60 0.044 1.50 0.0217 0.346
0.70 0.051 1.72 0.0253 0.404
0.80 0.059 1.98 0.0289 0.462
0.90 0.066 2.23 0.325 0.520
1.00 0.074 2.50 0.036 0.577
1.36 0.100 3.38 0.049 0.785
1.74 0.128 4.33 0.067 1.00
2.00 0.147 4.97 0.072 1.15
2.77 0.203 6.87 0.100 1.60
3.00 0.221 7.48 0.109 1.73
4.00 0.294 9.95 0.144 2.31
5.00 0.368 12.4 0.181 2.89
6.00 0.442 14.9 0.217 3.46
7.00 0.515 17.4 0.253 4.04
8.00 0.588 20.0 0.289 4.62
9.00 0.662 22.4 0.325 5.20
10.00 0.74 25.0 0.361 5.77
11.00 0.81 27.4 0.397 6.34
12.00 0.88 29.8 0.433 6.92
13.00 0.96 32.5 0.469 7.50
13.60 1.00 33.8 0.491 7.80
13.90 1.02 34.5 0.500 6.00
14.00 1.06 35.8 0.505 8.08
15.00 1.10 37.2 0.542 8.7
16.00 1.18 40.0 0.578 9.2
17.00 1.25 42.3 0.614 9.8
18.00 1.33 45.0 0.650 10.4
19.00 1.40 47.4 0.686 10.9
20.00 1.47 49.7 0.722 11.5
25.00 1.84 62.3 0.903 14.4
27.20 2.00 67.7 0.975 15.7
27.70 2.03 68.7 1.00 16.0
in. H
O in. Hg mbar psi oz./sq. in. in. H
O in. Hg mbar psi oz./sq. in.
Pressure conversions