Store-and-Forward Switching
Store-and-forward switching is the best choice to keep the
network effective and reliable. Store-and-forward provides
excellent error-checking function. For example, CRC, runt and
collision filter.
Store-and-Forward reads the entire data packet, verifies the
packet and sends it to the destination port. No bad packets on
network, packets can be switched between different network
speeds. Store-and-forward latency is the same as sending a
complete packet, so you will need to consider this latency when
you test the performance.
Full duplex is a transmission method that effectively doubles the
bandwidth of a link between a network card and a switch. It
disables the collision detection mechanism, so the card and the
switch can transmit and receive concurrently at full wire speed on
each of the transmit and receive paths. A full-duplex segment can
use the same Category 5 UTP cable used by 10BaseT Ethernet
and Fast Ethernet.