
Dly A - B Controls the percentage of DELAYTIME allocated to delay voices A and B. For example, if DELAYTIME (above) is set
to 1000 ms and DLYA is set to 75%, the voice A delay time is 750 ms. Remember, each voice in the Module can have
any delay time up to 100% of DELAYTIME. Ranges from 0% to 100%.
Dly C - D See Dly A - B.
Out Adjusts the overall level of the Delay. Ranges from Off to 100%.
Pan Controls the stereo soundfield placement of the delay. Ranges from -99 (all left) to 99 (all right).
Out L - R Adjusts the left or right output level of the Delay. Ranges from Off to 100%.
Out A - B Adjusts the output level of delay voice A or B. Ranges from Off to 100%.
Pan A - B Controls the stereo soundfield placement of delay voice A or B. Ranges from -99 (all left) to 99 (all right).
Out C - D Adjusts the output level of delay voice C or D. Ranges from Off to 100%.
Pan C - D Controls the stereo soundfield placement of delay voice C or D. Ranges from -99 (all left) to 99 (all right).
Out LA - LB Adjusts the left-side output level of delay voice A or B. Ranges from Off to 100%.
Out RA - RB Adjusts the right-side output level of delay voice A or B. Ranges from Off to 100%.
Out LC - LD Adjusts the left-side output level of delay voice C or D. Ranges from Off to 100%.
Out RC - RD Adjusts the right-side output level of delay voice C or D. Ranges from Off to 100%.
Compressor Parameters
Level Controls the signal input level fed to the module. Ranges from Off to 100%.
Threshold Sets the threshold level of the compressor. Ranges from -27 to 0.
Ratio This parameter sets the compressor ratio. Ranges from 1.5 to 40.
Gain This parameter controls the amount of gain in the compressor. Ranges from 0 to 200%.
Attack This parameter controls the attack time of the compressor. Settings are: Slo, Med and Fast.
Release This parameter sets the release of the compressor. Settings are: Slo, Med and Fast.
Delay This parameter sets the delay time of the compressor. Ranges from 0 to 10 ms.
Johnson Millennium
User Guide
Section - 4 Editing Modules