Trademark and License information 35
GNU General Public License
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to shareand changeit. Bycontrast,the GNUGeneralPublic Licenseis intendedtoguaranteeyour freedomtoshareand
changefree software--tomake surethe software isfree for all itsusers. ThisGeneralPublic Licenseappliesto mostof theFreeSoftware Foundation'ssoftware andtoanyother programwhose authors
committo using it. (SomeotherFreeSoftwareFoundationsoftware iscoveredby the GNULibraryGeneralPublic Licenseinstead.) Youcan apply itto your programs,too.
When wespeakoffree software we arereferringtofreedom,not price. OurGeneralPublicLicensesaredesignedto makesure thatyouhavethefreedom todistribute copies offreesoftware(andchargefor
ths eervce f youwsh, thatyou recevesourcecode or canget t fyou wantit, that you canchange the softwareorusepieces ofit in newfreeprograms;andthat you knowyoucan dothesethings.
Toprotect your rights, weneedto makerestrictionsthat forbidanyone todenyyou theserights orto askyou to surrenderthe rights. Theserestrictions translateto certain responsibilitiesforyou ifyou
distributecopies of thesoftware, or ifyoumodify it.
Forexample ifyou distribute copiesof such aprogram,whether gratis orfor afee,you mustgivethe recipientsallthe rights thatyouhave. Youmust makesurethat they,too,receiveor can getthe source
code. And youmustshowthem theseterms sothey knowthe rrghte.
Weprotect your rightswith two steps: (1)copyright the software,and (2) offeryou this licensewhich givesyou legalpermissionto copy,distribute and/ormodifythe software.
Also foreachauthor's protection andours we wantto makecertain thateveryoneunderstandsthatthere is nowarrantyfor this freesoftware. Ifthe software is modifiedbysomeoneelseandpassedon, we
want ts rec pents to know thatwhat they have snot theor g na, so that anyprob eros ntroduced byothers w not refecton the org na authors reputat one.
Finally anyf_e programis threatenedconstan!ly bysoftwarepatents. Wewishto avoidthe dangerthat redistributors ofa,free programwill individuallyobtain patent licenses,in effectmakingthe program
propnetary, topreventth s,we navemaae t ctearthatany patentmustbe tcensedfor everyonee Treeuseor not ceneeoat a.
The precisetermsand conditionsforcopying, distribution andmodificationfellow.
O.This Licenseappliesto any programor otherwork whichcontains a noticeplacedbythe copyright holdersayingit maybedistributed underthe termsof thisGeneralPublic License. The "Program",
below refersto anysuchprogram orwork, and a"work basedon the Program"meanseithertee Programorany derivativework undercopyright law:that is toear, awork containingthe Programor a portion
of t, ether verbat mor w throodf cat onsand/ortraneated ntoanother anguage. Herenafter,translat on s ncuded wthout mtat on nfhe term roodf caton. Each censee s addressedas you.
Activities otherthan copying distributionand modificationare not coveredbythis License;they areoutside its scope. Theact ofrunningthe Programisnot restricted, andthe outputfromthe Programis
coveredony f tscontents const tutea workbasedonthe Program ndependentof hayng been madebyrunnng the Program. Whetherthat efrue dependson whatthe Programdoes.
1. You maycopy anddistribute verbatimcopiesof the Program'ssource codeasyou receiveit in anymedium providedthat you conspicuouslyand appropriately publishoneachcopy anappropriate
copyright noticeanddisclaimerofwarranty keepintact allthe noticesthat referto thisLicenseandtothe absence ofany warranty andgiveanyotherrecipientsofthe Programacopy of this Licensealong
with theProgram.
Youmaychargea feefor the physicalact oftransferring acopy, andyou mayatyour optionofferwarrantyprotection in exchangefor afee.
2. You maymodify yourcopy or copiesof the Programor any portion ofit thus forminga work basedon the Program andcopy anddistribute such modificationsorwork underthe termsofSection 1above,
providedthatyou alsomeetall ofthese conditions:
a) You mustcausethemodified filesto carry prominent noticesstatingthatyou changedthe filesandthe dateof anychange.
b) You mustcauseanywork thatyoudistribute orpublish,that in wholeor in part contains or isderived fromthe Programor anypart thereof,to be licensedasa whole atnochargeto allthird parties
underthe termsofthis License.
c) If the modified programnormally readscommandsinteractivelywhen run you mustcauseit when started runningforsuch interactiveusein the mostordinary way toprint ordisplay an
announcementincludinganappropriate copyright noticeanda noticethatthere isnowarranty(orelse, sayingthatyouprovide awarranty)andthat usersmay redistnbutethe program underthese
conditions; andtellingtee userhowto viewa copy ofthis License. (Exception: ifthe Programitselfis interactivebut doesnot normally printsuch anannouncement your workbased onthe Program
snot requ=redto prnt an announcement.
These requirementsapply to themodified workas awhole. Ifidentifiable sectionsof thatwork arenotderivedfromthe Program andcan bereasonablyconsideredindependentandseparateworks inthem-
selves then this License,anditsterms, do notapply tothose sectionswhen youdistributethem asseparateworks. Butwhenyou distribute thesame sectionsas part ofa whole whichis awork basedon
the Program,the d strbut on ofthe whoe mustbeon theterms ofths Lcense,whose permesonefor other ceneeesextendto theent rewho e,andthus toeachandevery part regardees ofwhowrote t.
Thus,it is notthe intent of thissection toclaim rightsor contest yourrights towork written entirelyby you;rather,the intent isto exercisethe right to controlthe distribution ofderivativeor collective works
basedon the Program.
Inaddition mereaggregation ofanotherwork not basedonthe Programwith the Program(orwith awork basedon the Program)onavolumeof astorageor distribution mediumdoes notbring theother
work underthe scopeofthe L cense.
3. You maycopy anddistribute the Program(orawork based onit, underSection 2)in objectcode orexecutableform undertheterms ofSections 1and2 aboveprovidedthat you alsodo oneofthe follow-
a) Accompany itwith the completecorresponding machine-readablesourcecode which mustbe distributedunderthe termsof Sections1 and2above onamedium customarilyusedforsoftware
b) Accompany itwith awritten offer,validfor atleast threeyears,to giveanythird party,fora chargeno morethanyour cost of physicallyperferming sourcedistribution,a complete machine-readable
copy ofthe correspondingsourcecode to be distributedunderthe termsofSections land 2aboveon a mediumcustomarily usedforsoftware interchange or,
c) Accompanyit with the dormation youreceived asto theoffer todistribute correspndingseurce code. (Thisalternativeis allowedonlyfor noncommercialdistribution andonlyif you receivedthe
programin objectcodeor executableformwith suchan offer,inaccord with Subsectionb above.)
The sourcecodefor awork meansthe preferredformof thework for makingmodificationsto it. Foranexecutablework complete sourcecodemeansallthe sourcecodefor allmodules itcontains plus any
associatedinterfacedefinition files plusthescripts usedto controlcompilation andinstallation ofthe executable.However asa special exception the sourcecodedistributed neednot includeanythingthat
isnormally distributed(in eithersourceorbinaryform)with the majorcomponents(compiler kernel andso on)of theoperatingsystemonwhich the executableruns unlessthatcomponent itselfaccompa-
nes theexecutabe.
Ifdistribution ofexecutableor objectcode is madebyoffering accessto copy froma designatedplace then offering equivalentaccessto copy the sourcecodefromthe sameplacecountsas distributionof
the sourcecode, eventhoughthird partiesare notcompe edto copy thesourcea engw ththe ob ect code.
4. You maynot copy modify sublicense or distribute the Programexceptas expresslyprovidedunderthis License. Anyattempt otherwiseto copy modify sublicenseor distributethe Programisvoid and
will automaticallyterminateyour rightsunderthis License.However partieswhohavereceivedcopies or rights fromyouunderthis Licensewill nethavetEeirlicensesterminatedso long assuch parties
rernan n fu comp ance.
5. You arenot requiredto accept this License,since_ou havenot signed it. However,nothing elsegrantsyou permissionto modifXor distribute theProgramor itsderivativeworks. These actionsare
prohibited by lawif you donot accept this License. tnerefore,by modifying or distributingthe Program(oranyworkbased on the t-'rogram),you indicateyour acceptanceof thisLicensetodo so,andallits
terms andconditionsfor copying,distributing or modifying the Programor works basedon it.
6. Eachtimeyouredistribute the Program(oranyworkbased on theProgram) the recipientautomaticallyreceivesa license fromthe originallicensortocopy, distributeor modifythe Programsubjectto
these termsand condtons. You maynot reposeany further restrctons onthe recp ents exercse ofthe rghts grantedheren.Youarenot responsb efor enforc ngcomp anceby thrd part esto ths
7. If,as aconsequence ofa courtjudgment or allegationofpatent infringementor foranyother reason(notlimited topatent issues),conditions areimposedon you(whetherbycourt order, agreementor
otherwise)thatcontradict the conditionsofthis License,they donot excuseyou fromthe conditions ofthis License. Ifyoucannotdistribute so asto satisfysimultaneously,your obligationsunderthis License
andanyother pertinentobligations thenas aconsequenceyou maynot distributethe Programatall. Forexample,ifa patentlicensewould not permitroyalty-freeredistnbution oft]_eProgrambyallthose
who rece vecop es d rectyor nd rect ythroughyou, thentheonyway youcou d satsfyboth tandths L censewou d beto refran ent reyfrom dstr buttonof theProgram.
Ifany portion ofthis section isheld invalidor unenforceableunderanyparticular circumstance,the balanceofthesection is intendedtoapply andthe sectionas awhole is intendedtoapply inother circum-
It isnot thepurpose of thissection to induceyou to infringeany patentsor other propertyrightclaimsor to contest validityof anysuch claims;this sectionhas thesole purposeof protecting theintegrity of
the free software distributionsystem whichis implementedby publiclicense practices. Many peoplehavemadegenerouscontributions tothe wide rangeofsoftwaredistributed throughthatsystem in reli-
anceon consstent app catonofthat system; t s up tothe author/donorto decde f heor she sw ngto d str bu_esoftware through anyothersystemand a censeecannot reposethatcho ce.
This sectionis intendedto makethoroughlyclearwhatis believedto bea consequenceof the restofthis License.
8. Ifthe distributionand/or useof the Programis restricted incertaincountries eitherby patents orby copyrighted interfaces,theoriginal copyright holderwhoplacesthe Programunderthis License may
addan explicit geographicaldistribution limitationexcluding thosecountries sothat distribution ispermitted onlyin or amongcountnes nottlius excluded. Insuch case this Eicenseincorporatesthe limita-
tion asif written int]_ebodyof thisLicense.
9. The FreeSoftwareFoundationmaypublishrevised and/ornewversionsofthe GeneralPublic Licensefromtime totime. Suchnewversionswill besimilarinspirit to the presentversion, but maydiffer in
detailto addressnewproblemsor concerns.
Eachversionis givena distinguishingversionnumber. Ifthe Programspecifies aversion numberofthis License whichappliesto it and"anylater version",you havetheoption of followingthe termsandcon-
ditionseitherofihat version orof any laterversion publishedby t_neFreeSoftwareFoundation. Ifthe Programdoesnot specifya versionnumberof this License,you maychooseany versionever published
bythe FreeSoftwareFoundation.
if you are interested in obtaining open source code for this product, please contact Mitsubishi at
(800) 332-2119. A nominal handling and mailing charge may apply.
For assistance call 1(800} 332-2119