1. Outline
1. Outline
This manual explains MELDASMAGIC64 installation and connection methods centered on the NC
By installing this NC Card in a personal computer expansion slot (ISA bus or PCI bus), and connecting
a servo drive unit, servomotor, etc., a custom-made NC unit can be constructed.
This manual assumes that all functions are added, but the actually delivered device may not have all
Refer to the following documents for explanations on the functions.
MELDASMAGIC64 Setup Instruction Manual........................................................................BNP-B2191
MELDASMAGIC64 Maintenance Manual ..............................................................................BNP-B2207
MELDAS AC Servo and Spindle MDS-A/B Series Specifications Manual ............................ BNP-B3759
MELDAS AC Servo and Spindle MDS-C1 Series Specifications Manual.............................. BNP-C3000
MELDAS AC Servo and Spindle MDS-CH Series Specifications Manual............................. BNP-C3016
MELDAS AC Servo MDS-B-SVJ2 Series Specification Manual............................................BNP-B3937
MELDAS AC Servo MDS-B-SPJ2 Series Specification Manual............................................BNP-B2164