
When you have created multiple scan jobs (see below for how to create a new scan
job) in the list, you can check or uncheck the box in front of the job name to decide
whether to proceed scanning that specific job(s). By selecting each scan job in the
list, you can adjust different scanning settings for each scan job respectively.
Duplicate Button
Click this button to add a new scan job. This is useful when you want
to scan multiple images in one original. After you click this button, a
new scan area will appear in the preview area, and the new job will
appear in the Job List. You can add up to 10 scan jobs in one scan
Info Button
The Info button is used to display the detailed information of selected
scan job. You can first click to select the job in the Job List and then
click this button to display its detailed information:
You can either click OK to close this
information window or click Save to save the
information as a text file for your future
Delete Button
Use the Delete button to delete a scan job. First click on the scan job
to be deleted in the Job List, then click this button to delete the job.
Preview Button
Use the Preview button to start previewing the image. Preview
proceeds in Colour or in monochrome depending on the setting in the
Image Type combo box.
Scan Button
Use the Scan button to start scanning the image.
Exit Button
Click on the Exit button to exit Diamond View.