Pr. 232 to Pr. 239
Refer to Pr. 4.
Pr. 240
Refer to Pr. 72.
Cooling fan operation sele
ction (
Pr. 244)
4.2.38 Cooling fan operation selection (Pr. 244)
Pr. 244 "cooling fan operation selection"
You can control the operation of the cooling fan built in the inverter (whether there is a
cooling fan or not depends on the models. Refer to the outline dimensional drawings
(page 152)).
244 0 0, 1
Setting Description
Operated at power on (independent of whether the inverter is running or at
a stop).
Cooling fan on-off control valid
(The cooling fan is always on while the inverter is running. During a stop,
the inverter status is monitored and the fan switches on-off according to
In either of the following cases, fan operation is regarded as faulty and the light fault
(LF) signal is output. Use Pr. 192 "A, B, C terminal (ABC) function selection" to allocate
the terminal used to output the LF signal.
1) Pr. 244 = "0"
When the fan comes to a stop with power on.
2) Pr. 244 = "1"
When the inverter is running and the fan stops during fan ON command or the fan
starts during fan OFF command.
Note: When the terminal assignment is changed using Pr. 192, the other functions
may be affected. Confirm the functions of the corresponding terminals before
making settings.