
4.5 Rules of System Configuration and Examples of Reconfiguration
Check of limitation on current consumption
Check if power required for extension devices can be supplied from the CPU module and extension power supply module.
A case using service power supply for input circuit is explained as an example.
Check of power supply from the CPU module
(Page 48 Power supply check from the CPU module (current consumption calculation))
Power supply capacity of the CPU module
Current consumption of extension devices
Result check
Because calculation results for 5 V DC or 24 V DC current consumption are negative, reconfiguration is necessary.
The judgment procedure after reconfiguration is explained on the following pages.
Type Model Power supply capacity
5 V DC power supply 24 V DC service power supply
CPU module FX5U-32MR/ES 900 mA 400 mA
(Service power supply is used for input circuit)
Type Model Current consumption
5 V DC power supply 24 V DC power supply
Expansion board FX5-232-BD 20 mA
Expansion adapter FX5-232ADP 30 mA 30 mA
Expansion adapter FX5-485ADP 20 mA 30 mA
Input module FX5-16EX/ES 100 mA 85 mA
Output module FX5-16EYT/ES 100 mA 125 mA
Output module FX5-16EYT/ES 100 mA 125 mA
Output module FX5-16EYR/ES 100 mA 125 mA
Simple motion module FX5-40SSC-S 
Bus conversion module FX5-CNV-BUS 150 mA
Pulse output module FX3U-1PG 150 mA
Analog input module FX3U-4AD 110 mA
Temperature controller module FX3U-4LC 160 mA
AnyWireASLINK master module FX3U-128ASL-M 130 mA
CC-Link intelligent device module FX3U-64CCL 
1170 mA
900 mA
CPU module
Current consumption
-270 mA
Calculation result
Capacity of 5 V DC
power supply
Total of current
consumed by extension
520 mA
400 mA
CPU module
Current consumption
-120 mA
Calculation result
Capacity of 24 V
DC power supply
Total of current
consumed by extension