
(g) Writing data to the CPU shared memory of its own
Basic model QCPU
Data can be written with any write instruction.
High Performance model QCPU or Process CPU
Data can be written with the S.TO instruction.
However, data cannot be written with instructions using the cyclic transmission area device (U3En\G). If
used, "SP.UNIT ERROR" (error code: 2114) will occur.
Universal model QCPU
Data can be written with any write instruction.
(h) Reading data from the CPU shared memory
Basic model QCPU
Data can be read with any read instruction.
High Performance model QCPU or Process CPU
Data cannot be read with any read instruction.
If read, "SP.UNIT ERROR" (error code: 2114) will occur.
Universal model QCPU
Data can be read with any read instruction.
(i) Accessing a CPU module that is not actually mounted
A CPU module that is not actually mounted cannot be accessed with instructions using the cyclic transmission
area device(U3En\G). If accessed, "SP.UNIT ERROR" (error code: 2110) will occur.