APP - 23
Error code
Error contents and cause Corrective action
10003 Minor/major errors had occurred.
Minor/major errors had occurred in virtual servomotor axis.
Minor/major errors had occurred in synchronous encoder axis.
Check the Motion error history of MT Developer and the minor/major error
codes of minor/major error code of minor/major error code storage device,
and remove the error cause.
Refer to the error codes for error details of minor/major errors.
The servo errors had occurred in the servo amplifier connected to
the Motion CPU.
Check the Motion error history of MT Developer and the servo error codes
of servo error code storage device, and remove the error cause of servo
Refer to the servo error code for details of servo errors.
10007 Servo program setting error occurred.
Check the Motion error history of MT Developer and the servo program
setting error storage device (error program No., error item information),
and remove the error cause.
Refer to the servo program setting error codes for details of servo program
setting errors.
10008 Real mode/virtual mode switching error occurred. (SV22)
Check the Motion error history of MT Developer and the real mode/virtual
mode switching error storage device, and remove the error cause.
Refer to the real mode/virtual mode switching error codes for details of real
mode/virtual mode switching errors.
10009 Manual pulse generator axis setting error occurred.
Check the Motion error history of MT Developer and the manual pulse
generator axis setting error storage device, and remove the error cause.
Refer to the manual pulse generator axis setting error codes for details of
manual pulse generator axis setting errors.
10010 Test mode request error occurred.
Check the Motion error history of MT Developer and the test mode request
error storage device, and remove the error cause.
10011 WDT error occurred at Motion CPU.
Check the Motion error history of MT Developer and the Motion CPU WDT
error factors, and remove the error cause.
10014 System setting error occurred at Motion CPU.
10016 Motion slot fault occurred at Motion CPU.
Check the error message on error monitor screen of MT Developer, and
remove the error cause. And then, turn on the power supply again or reset
the Multiple CPU system.
Motion SFC error occurred at Motion SFC program.
Check the Motion error history of MT Developer, and remove the error
Refer to the Motion SFC error code for details of errors.
10030 Motion CPU internal bus error occurred.
Motion CPU module hardware fault.
Explain the error symptom and get advice from our sales representative.