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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
Storage item Storage details
[Md.107] Parameter error No.
When a servo parameter error occurs, the area that corresponds to the parameter
number affected by the error comes ON.
When the "[Cd.5]
xis error reset" (axis control data) is set to ON after remove the
error factor of servo amplifier side, the servo alarm is cleared (set to 0).
Refresh cycle: Immediate
[Md.108] Servo status
This area stores the servo status.
Zero point pass
Turns ON if the zero point of the encoder has been passed even once.
Zero speed
Turns ON when the motor speed is lower than the servo parameter "zero speed."
Speed limit
Turns ON during the speed limit in torque control mode.
PID control
Turns ON when the servo amplifier is PID control.
Indicates the ready ON/OFF.
Servo ON
Indicates the servo ON/OFF.
Control mode
Indicates the control mode of the servo amplifier.
Servo alarm
Turns ON during the servo alarm.
The dwell pulse turns ON within the servo parameter "in-position".
Torque limit
Turns ON when the servo amplifier is having the torque restricted.
Absolute position lost
Turns ON when the servo amplifier is lost the absolute position.
Servo warning
Turns ON during the servo warning.
Refresh cycle: Operation cycle