4 - 14 4 - 14
(a) Transmission setting (CH1 side: switch 1 (lower level); CH2 side: switch 3
(lower level))
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
CH1 side
CH2 side
Bit Description OFF (0) ON (1) Remarks
b0 Operation setting Independent Link Must be set to OFF on CH1
b1 Data bit 7 8 Parity bit is not included
b2 Parity bit NO Yes Vertical parity
b3 Even/odd parity Odd Even
Valid only when parity bit is set to
b4 Stop bit 1 2 —
b5 Sum check code NO Yes —
b6 Write during RUN Prohibited Allowed —
b7 Setting modifications Prohibited Allowed —
All items listed in the table should be set to OFF for the interfaces for which
"GX Developer connection" is set in the communication protocol setting.
If connecting directly to the GX Developer, it operates with the setting value
on the GX developer. (Refer to the description below.)
Transmission setting Setting description for GX Developer
Operation setting Independent
Data bit 8
Parity bit Yes
Even/odd parity Odd
Stop bit 1
Sum check code Yes
Write during RUN Allowed
Setting modifications Allowed/Prohibited
1) Operation setting
• This sets whether to use each of the two Q series C24 interfaces for
independent data communication, or to use the two for linked data
• The setting and data flow for linked operation is explained in (2).
2) Data bit setting
• This sets the bit length for one character in data communicated with an
external device according to the specifications of the external device.
(When data communication is performed using format 5 of the MC
protocol (for binary code communication), it is necessary to set it to 8
bits when processing the sum check code with the bidirectional
• If 7 bits are set, the data is communicated by ignoring the most
significant bit (8th bit).
3) Parity bit setting
• This sets whether or not a parity bit (vertical parity) is added for one
byte of transmission/receive data, according to the specifications of
the external device.
• The addition of the parity bit to the transmission data and the checking
of the parity bit of receive data are performed by the Q series C24.