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1.1.2 User registration and login certification
A safety programmable controller performs login certification when opening a project
for the purpose of preventing unauthorized users from illegally accessing.
(1) User registration
A system manager has to define the person in charge, and then register the
user information required for login certification with the project.
The following information is required in user registration.
1) User name
2) Access level (
Section 1.1.1)
3) Password (Omissible if access level is set to "Users".)
Maximum 128 users can be registered with each project, and the operation
authority for each user is determined by the user’s access level.
For example, the user whose access level is Users is not authorized to rewrite a
safety programmable controller program.
(2) Login certification
When opening a project, a user name and password are required.
After inputting them, login certification is performed based on the set user
registration information.
The available operations determined by the user’s access level can be
performed after login.
GX Developer
Project data for
a safety programmable
Note that login certification is performed to the operation such as "Delete
project". (
Section 5.1.3)
• The users unregistered with a project cannot open the project.
• The users registered with a project can only perform the operations enabled in the
given access level. (
Section 1.2.2)