
DX-VS1UE User’
’s Manual
s Manuals Manual
s Manual
6) Application Configuration
This page is used to set e-mail and file
transmission function.
(1) Recipient E-mail Address
This is used to designate a person to
receive E-mail.
(2) Sender’s E-mail Address
This is used to put a person’s e-mail
address that is considered as the e-mail
This menu plays an important role
since this is used for avoiding the
problem that e-mails are blocked by
some mail servers. Some e-mail serv-
ers don’t receive any e-mail that
doesn’t have valid domain name such
as abc@abc defg.com. It is because
there are a lot of junk e-mails. So, in
some cases, DX-VS1UE and other de-
vices which do not have valid domain
names or have only IP address can’t
send e-mails. To avoid this problem,
DX-VS1UE has the menu to put
sender’s e-mail address. The default
value is invalid, so administrator
should change the address with valid
one. Administrator can put his/her e-mail address.
(1) Check E-Mail Options
Relay Mail Server: Against the same problem as e-mail blocking, DX-VS1UE has a func-
tion to relay its e-mail through an available e-mail server so that e-mail can have the relay
server’s domain name. After activating “Use Relay Mail Server” menu, you enter a server’s
domain name such as ‘@abcdefg.com’. Since the default value of the e-mail server is inva-
lid, don’t use the default value when you use the relay mail server function.
Content-Transfer-Type: This shows supported e-mail format. Only ‘Base64’ format is supported.
(2) E-Mail Event Configuration
Event source: Administrator should define in which event E-mail should be delivered among MD
(motion detection), sensor 1, sensor 2, sensor3, and sensor 4. If administrator clicks on sensor 1, e-