Mitsubishi TV Software 33
GNU General Public License
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to shareand changeit. Bycontrast,the GNUGeneralPublic Licenseis intendedtoguaranteeyour freedomtoshareand
changefree software--to makesurethe software isfree for allitsusers. ThisGeneralPublic Licenseappliesto mostof theFreeSoftware Foundation'ssoftwareandtoany otherprogramwhose authors
committo using it. (Someother FreeSoftwareFoundationsoftware iscoveredby the GNULibrary GeneralPublic Licenseinstead.) Youcan apply itto your programs,too.
When wespeakoffree software weare referringtofreedom,not price. OurGeneralPublicLicensesaredesignedto makesurethatyouhavethefreedom todistribute copies offreesoftware(andchargefor
th sserv ce f youwsh, thatyourece vesourcecode or canget t f youwant it,that you canchangethe software orusepieces ofit in newfreeprograms;andthat you knowyoucan dothesethings.
Toprotect your rights, weneedto makerestrictionsthat forbidanyone todenyyouthese rightsorto askyouto surrenderthe rights. Theserestrictions translateto certain responsibilitiesforyouifyou
distributecopies of thesoftware, or ifyoumodify it.
Forexample ifyoudistribute copiesof such aprogram,whether gratis orfor afee,youmustgivethe recipientsallthe rights thatyouhave. Youmust makesurethat they,too,receiveor cangetthe source
code. Andyou mustshowthem theseterms sothey knowthe rrghts.
Weprotect your rightswith two steps: (1)copyright the software,and (2) offeryou this licensewhich givesyou legalpermissionto copy,distribute and/ormodifythe software.
Also foreachauthor's protection andours we wantto makecertain thateveryoneunderstandsthatthere is nowarrantyforthis freesoftware. Ifthe softwareis modified bysomeone elseandpassedon, we
want tsrec pents to knowthatwhat they have snot theor g na, so that anyprob eros ntroduced byothersw not refectonthe org na authors reputat ons.
Finally,anyfree programis threatenedconstantly bysoftwarepatents. Wewishto avoidthe dangerthat redistributors ofa free programwill individuallyobtain patentlicenses,ineffect makingthe program
proprietary. Topreventthis,we havemadeit clear{hatanypatent mustbelicensedfor everyone'sfreeuseor not licensedat all.
The precisetermsand conditionsforcopying, distribution andmodificationfollow.
O.This Licenseappliesto any programor otherwork whichcontains a noticeI_lacedbythe copyright hol_lersayingit maybedistributed underthe termsof thisGeneralPublicLicense. The "Program",
below,refersto anysuch nrogram orwork, and a"work basedonthe Program"meanseitherthe Pronramorany derivativework undercopyright law:that is tosav awork containingthe Programor a I_ortion
ofit, eitherverbatimor wi{'l_modifications and/ortranslatedintoanother language. (Hereinafter,translationisincluded without limitation in{l_sterm"modification .I Eachlicenseeis addressedas"you".
Activities otherthan copying distributionand modificationare not coveredbythis License;they areoutside its scope. Theact ofrunningthe Programisnot restricted, andthe outputfromthe Programis
coveredony f tscontents const tutea workbasedonthe Program ndependentof hayng been madebyrunnng the Program. Whetherthat sfrue dependsonwhat the Programdoes.
1. You maycopy anddistribute verbatimcopiesof the Program'ssource codeasyoureceive it, inanymedium, providedthat youconspicuouslyand appropriatelypublishon eachcopyanappropriate
copyright noticeanddisclaimerofwarranty keepintact all'the noticesthat referto this Licenseandtothe absence ofanywarranty andgiveanyotherrecipientsofthe Programacopyof this Licensealong
w th theProgram.
Youmaychargea feefor the physicalact oftransferring acopy, andyoumayatyouroption offerwarrantyprotection in exchangefor afee.
2. You maymodify yourcopy or copiesof the Programor any portion ofit thus forminga work basedonthe Program andcopy anddistribute such modificationsorwork underthe termsofSection 1above,
providedthatyou alsomeetall oftheseconditions:
a) You mustcausethemodified filesto carry prominent noticesstatingthatyou changedthe filesandthe dateof anychange.
b) You mustcauseanywork thatyoudistribute or publish,that in wholeor in part contains or isderived fromthe Programor anypart thereof,to be licensedasa whole atnochargeto allthird parties
underthe termsofthis License.
c) If the modified programnormally readscommandsinteractivelywhen run you mustcauseit when started runningforsuch interactiveuse inthe mostordinary way toprint ordisplayan
announcementinclud]nganappropriate copyright noticeanda noticethatthere isnowarranty(orelse,sayingthatyouprovide awarranty)andthat usersmay redistributethe program underthese
conditions, andtellingtl_euserhowto viewa copy ofthis License. (Exception: ifthe Programitselfis interactivebut doesnot normallyprint suchanannouncement your workbased onthe Program
snot requiredto prnt an announcement.
These requirementsapply to themodifiedwork as awhole. If identifiable sectionsof thatwork arenotderivedfromthe Program andcan bereasonablyconsideredindependentandseparateworksin them-
selves then this License,anditsterms, do notapply tothosesectionswhen you distributethem asseparateworks. Butwhenyoudistribute thesamesectionsas part ofa whole whichisawork basedon
the Program,the d str but onofthe whoe mustbe ontheterms ofth sLcense,whose permssons for other censeesextendto theentrewho e,andthus toeachandevery part regardessofwhowrote t.
Thus,it is notthe intentof thissection toclaim rightsor contest your rightstowork written entirelyby you;rather,the intentisto exercisethe rightto controlthe distribution ofderivativeor collective works
basedonthe Program.
Inaddition mereaggregation ofanotherwork not basedonthe Programwith the Program(orwith awork basedonthe Program)on avolumeof astorageor distribution mediumdoes notbring theother
work underthescopeofth sL cense.
3. You maycopy anddistribute the Program(oraworkbased on it,underSection 2)inobjectcode orexecutableform underthe termsofSections 1and2 aboveprovidedthat you alsodooneofthe follow-
a) Accompany itwith the completecorresponding machine-readablesourcecode which mustbe distributedunderthe termsof Sections1 and2above onamedium customarilyusedforsoftware
b) Accompany itwith awrittenoffer,validfor atleast threeyears,to giveanythird party,fora chargenomore thanyour cost of phy.sicallyperformingsourcedistribution, a complete machine-readable
copy ofthe correspondingsourcecode to be distributedunderthe termsofSections "[and 2aboveon a mediumcustomarilyusedforsoftware interchange or,
c) Accompanyit with the informationy.oureceived asto theoffer todistribute corresĀ£ondingsource code. (Thisalternativeis allowedonlyfor noncommercialdistribution andonlyif you receivedthe
programinobject codeor executableformwith suchan offer,inaccord with Subsectionb above.)
The sourcecodefor aworkmeansthe preferredformof theworkfor makingmodificationsto it. Foranexecutablework complete sourcecodemeansallthe sourcecodefor allmodules itcontains plus any
associatedinterfacedefinition files plusthescripts usedto controlcompilation andinstallation ofthe executable. However asa special exception the sourcecodedistributed neednotincludeanythingthat
isnormallydistributed (ineithersourceor binaryform)withthe majorcomponents (compilerkernel andso on)of theoperatingsystemonwhich the executableruns unlessthatcomponent itselfaccompa-
nes theexecutabe.
Ifdistribution ofexecutableor objectcode is madebyoffering accessto copy froma designatedplace then offering equivalentaccessto copy the sourcecodefromthe sameplacecountsas distributionof
the sourcecode, eventhoughthird partiesarenotcompe ed to copy thesourcea ongw ththe ob ect code.
4. You maynot copy modify sublicense or distribute the Programexcept as expresslyprovidedunderthis License. Anyattempt otherwiseto copy modify sublicenseor distributetheProgramisvoid and
will automaticallyterminateyour rightsunderthis License.However partieswhohavereceivedcopies or rights fromyou underthis License will nothavetheir licensesterminatedso long assuch parties
reman n fu comp ance.
5. You arenot requiredto acceptthis License,sincejou havenot signedit. However,nothing elsegrantsyou permissionto modifXor distribute theProgramor itsderivativeworks. These actionsare
prohibited by lawif you donot accept this License. i nerefore,by modifying ordistributing the Program(oranyworkbased on the_'rogram),you indicateyour acceptanceof this Licensetodo so,andallits
terms andconditionsfor copying,distributing or modifyingthe Programor works basedonit.
6. Eachtimeyouredistribute the Program(oranywork based ontheProgram) the recipientautomaticallyreceivesa licensefromthe originallicensortocopy, distribute ormodifythe Programsubjectto
these termsand condtons. You maynot reposeany further restrctons onthe recp ents exercse ofthe rghts grantedheren.Youare not responsb efor enforc ngcomp anceby thrd part esto ths
7. If,as aconsequenceofa courtjudgmentor allegation ofpatentinfringementor forany otherreason(notlimited topatent issues),conditions areimposed onyou (whetherbycourt order,agreementor
otherwise)thatcontradict the conditionsofthis License,they donot excuseyou fromthe conditions ofthis License. Ifyou cannotdistribute so asto satisfysimultaneouslyyourobligationsunderthis License
andanyother pertinentobligations thenas aconsequenceyou maynotdistributethe Programatall. For example,if a patentlicensewould not permitroyalty-freeredistribution oft]_eProgrambyallthose
who rece vecop es d rectyor nd rect ythroughyou,then theonyway youcou d satsfyboth tandth sL censewou d beto refran ent reyfrom dstr butlonof theProgram.
Ifanyportion ofthis section isheld invalidor unenforceableunderanyparticular circumstance,the balanceofthesection is intendedtoapply andthe sectionas awholeis intendedtoapply in othercircum-
It isnot thepurpose of thissection to induceyou to infringeanypatentsor other propertyrightclaimsor to contest validityof anysuch claims;this sectionhas thesole purposeof protecting theintegrity of
the free software distributionsystem whichis implementedby public licensepractices. Manypeoplehavemadegenerouscontributions tothe wide rangeofsoftwaredistributed throughthatsystem in reli-
anceon consstent app caton ofthat system; t s up tothe author/donortodecde f heor she sw ng to d str bu_esoftware through anyothersystemand a censeecannot reposethatchoce.
This sectionis intendedto makethoroughlyclearwhat is believedto bea consequenceof the restofthis License.
8. Ifthe distributionand/or useof the Programis restricted incertaincountries eitherby patents orby copyrighted interfaces,theoriginal copyright holderwhoplacesthe Programunderthis License may.
addan explicit geographicaldistribution limitationexcluding thosecountries sothat distribution ispermitted onlyin or amongcountries notthus excluded. Insuch case this License incorporatesthe limita-
tion asif writtenin t]_ebodyof thisLicense.
9. The FreeSoftware Foundationmaypublishrevised and/ornewversionsofthe GeneralPublic Licensefromtime totime. Such newversionswill be similarin spiritto the presentversion, but maydiffer in
detailto addressnewproblemsor concerns.
Eachversionis givena distinguishingversionnumber. Ifthe Programspecifies aversion numberofthis Licensewhichappliesto it and"any laterversion",youhavetheoption of followingthe termsandcon-
ditionseitherof_hatversion orof any laterversion publishedby the FreeSoftware Foundation. Ifthe Programdoesnot specifya versionnumberof this License,youmaychooseany versionever published
bythe FreeSoftware Foundation.
If you are interested in obtaining open source code for this product, please contact Mitsubishi at
1 (800) 332-2119. A nominal handling and mailing charge may apply.
For assistance call 1(800) 332-2119