4. Projector registration
Procedure B - Connection example 3 (where projectors are installed via a router)
To automatically detect projectors connected via a router, confirm the IP address in the projector network menu
and specify a range of IP addresses to search that particular IP address using “Search Projector Setting”.
If you want to connect a projector via a router after automatically detecting it, you need to specify a search range
of IP addresses that includes the projector's IP address in advance.
(1) Start up “ProjectorView Global+”.
(2) Select “Search Projector Setting” from “Configuration” of the menu bar.
• “SearchProjectorSetting”windowisdisplayed.
Item Description
Start IP Address Specify the IP address that is the start of the search range.
the first and last octets and a range other than 0 to 255 for the second and third
EndIPAddress SpecifythelastoctetoftheIPaddressthatistheendofthesearchrange.(You
cannot specify a value that contains a number other than 1 to 254. In addition,
you cannot specify a value that is smaller than the last octet of the search start IP
address specified in step .)
Search Projector The settings you made are saved and then the automatic projector search is
(3) Specify the projector search range by IP address ( and ).
• Upto16searchrangescanbeset.(Settingscanbeconguredforeachlineofthesearchrange.)
(4) To save the settings, click [Save]. To continue the projector search, click [Search Projector].
• Whenyouclick[Save],thesearchrangesyouspecifyaresavedandthe“SearchProjectorSetting”window
is closed.
• Whenyoudon'twanttosavethesearchranges,click[Cancel]toclosethe“SearchProjectorSetting”
• Aftersavingthesettings,byselecting“Conguration”onthemenubarandthenselecting“Search
Projector”, you can perform automatic projector search within the search ranges you saved.
• Someprojectorsmayrequireyoutoenterthepasswordwhenestablishingprojectorconnectionsforthe
first time. Authentication is automatically performed from the second time onwards unless projectors are
deleted from the list.