Full view door
Variable heat control
Variable humidity control
Stainless steel exterior
Stainless steel interior
Low velocity fan
Casters as standard
110V 15A plug in connection
Doors remove for cleaning
Auto water fill
Door condensate collection drawer
E32 / E89
Designed for use with the E32
and G32, this proofer and
holding cabinet accepts up to 8
full size sheet pans and features
a field reversible door.
G32 / E89
Designed for use with the E32
and G32, this proofer and
holding cabinet accepts up to 8
full size sheet pans and features
a field reversible door.
E35 / E85-8HLD
Designed for use with the E35,
this proofer accepts up to 8
full size sheet pans or 16 half
sheet pans.
E35 / E85-12HLD
Designed for use with the E35,
this proofer accepts up to 12
full size sheet pans or 24 half
sheet pans.
Easy clean interior. Half sheet pan
racking option.
Condensate collection.
Low Velocity Fan