After running any of the above tests, depending on the
selection, press e or b to return to the menu.
nHardware tests are typically performed by an authorized
Service representative. However, if you need to run any of
these tests make sure you read the following sections. Each
section provides the acceptable results of the test and when it
is necessary to call Service.
When calling Service, be sure to provide the exact results.
To access the Hardware Tests:
1. From the DIAGNOSTIC MENU, press > until you see:
Machine Totals
Hardware Tests
2. Press e. You will see:
3. Continue with the steps for each test.
Printing Tests
The PRINTING TESTS menu provides the following selections:
Test Pattern
Print Speed
Gray Scale
Contrast Adjustment
Before you run these tests, be sure to load your supply in
Non-Peel mode. See Chapter 3, "Loading Supplies."
Test Pattern prints a label to verify that the printhead strobes
are working.
Chapter 10. Using Diagnostics