Makes 8
5 egg whites • 250 g (9 oz) icing sugar • pinch of salt
For the filling
284 ml carton whipping cream, whipped • 450 g (1 lb) strawberries or
raspberries or other summer berry fruits
Place the egg whites, icing sugar and salt in the bowl fitted with the whisk, but leave
the pusher out to allow more air in. Make sure the bowl and whisk are scrupulously
clean otherwise the eggs will not whisk. Process on speed 2 for 8 minutes until stiff.
Place 8 spoonfuls of mixture onto two baking sheets, lined with non-stick baking
parchment, and shape into 4 cm (10 in) circles. Bake in a preheated oven at
110°C/225°F (Fan oven 100°C), Gas mark
/4 for about 1
/2-2 hours until firm and
crisp. Leave to cool. Top with whipped cream and cover with the fruit.
Cook’s note: This mixture can be made into meringue shells by shaping with a
spoon, but is not firm enough to pipe. Alternatively, use it as a topping for Lemon
Meringue Pie or Baked Alaska.
Serves 5 - 6
For the choux pastry:
75 g (3 oz) butter • 225 ml (7
/2 fl oz) water • 110 g (4 oz) plain flour • 3 eggs,
medium size
For the filling:
284 ml (10 fl oz) tub whipping cream, whipped
For the toffee sauce:
115 g (4 oz) cream toffees • 75 ml (5 tbsp) double cream • 50 g (2 oz)
toasted flaked almonds, for decoration
Melt the butter and water in a saucepan. When the mixture is boiling, remove from
the heat and add the flour in one go. Beat with a wooden spoon until smooth and
comes away from the sides of the pan. Leave to cool slightly. Place the paste in the
bowl fitted with the plastic kneader. With the machine running on speed 1 add the
eggs one at a time through the feed tube. Increase to
speed 2 and process for
another 1 minute.
Using a teaspoon place walnut size spoonfuls of mixture on a greased baking tray.
Allow a little space between each spoonful as they will swell during cooking. Bake in
batches in a preheated oven at 220°C/425°F, gas mark 7 for about 20-25 minutes
or until crisp, well puffed and golden brown. Lift onto a wire rack and make a small
hole in the base to release any steam. Leave to cool.
Fill the cooled choux puffs with the whipped cream.
Prepare the toffee sauce at the last minute so it can be served warm. In a
saucepan melt the toffees on a low heat, stirring all the time. When half melted,
add the double cream and keep mixing until all the toffees have melted. Pile the
profiteroles in individual dishes, pour over the warm sauce and sprinkle over the
toasted flaked almonds.
Mayonnaise and dressings
Makes about 300 ml (
1 egg yolk • 1 tsp Dijon mustard • 2 tsp white wine vinegar • 250 ml (8 fl oz)
olive or sunflower (or half olive oil & half sunflower oil) • salt and pepper
All the ingredients should be at room temperature and not too cold. Fit the whisk.
Add the egg yolk, mustard, vinegar, salt and pepper. Use speed 1 and mix until well
blended then, without stopping the machine, very slowly pour the oil through the
feeder tube. Increase to speed 2 and process until the mayonnaise is thick enough,
after about 30 seconds. Adjust the seasoning.
Try this: For Garlic Mayonnaise add 2 crushed cloves of garlic, or more if you
prefer, with the egg yolks.
Makes about 300 ml (
150 ml (
/4 pt) olive oil • 150 ml (
/4 pt) sunflower or groundnut oil • 75 ml (5
tbsp) wine vinegar • 5 ml (1 tsp) caster sugar • 5 ml (1 tsp) French mustard •
1 garlic clove, finely chopped • 2.5 ml (
/2 tsp) salt • freshly ground
black pepper
Fit the metal blade. Add all the ingredients and process on speed 2 for 10 -15
seconds. Add some chopped fresh herbs for a fuller flavour. Store in a glass jar in
the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Shake well just before use.